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Shoots100 last won the day on August 29

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    Too close to the city
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    Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.
    George Carlin

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  • Hunting Location
    Region 4
  • Hunting Gun
    Blaser 300WSM / Predator 243
  • Bow
    Golden Eagle
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  1. Here's half of the BOME pair. Thought it was safe after running into the foliage. Splat SJC
  2. This young one didn't know that it's dangerous being out in the dark. It found out the hard way. SJC
  3. This Mus is the BOME, Bane Of My Existence. It knows exactly where I can't shoot and when going through a red zone it doesn't stop. One Day ! SJC
  4. Had ten minutes to get out and see if anything was moving around. SJC
  5. RNC Vs DNC RNC: The nominee received no votes from Democrats DNC: Ditto RNC: Opened with a prayer to God DNC: Opened with a traditional human sacrifice to Moloch RNC: Free ammo for your guns DNC: Free vasectomies to make sure you can only shoot blanks RNC: Hulk Hogan DNC: Drag queens RNC: Women with lots of estrogen, men with lots of testosterone DNC: Men with lots of estrogen, women with lots of testosterone RNC: People cosplaying as Ronald Reagan DNC: People cosplaying as abortion pills RNC: All about Trump DNC: Also all about Trump Who would have guessed that the two parties would have so much in common? It's almost like looking at two sides of the same coin!
  6. We set out different colored sugar water to see which one they prefer and it seems blue was the color of choice this year. SJC
  7. I get the cheap o spring steel ground blinds and set them up a few weeks before deer season. I stake and tie them down. I put a roof brace inside to keep them from collapsing in case a freak snow storm occurs. I lost a few blinds that way. A few day's before the season opens I put chairs, heaters and other accoutrements in them so I don't have to carry them out everytime and whichever way the wind is blowing I have a blind ready to hunt. If I'm hunting from a tree or ladder stand it's nice having the pop up in close proximity to have shelter in case inclimate weather roll's in. I also spray them with UV killer, as I'm told the waterproof treatment they use on the blinds makes them visible to some animal's that see in different light spectrums. Good luck. SJC
  8. I've done testing and have seen test's in comparison of barrel's broken in according to manufacturers recommendations and a total disregard of those recommendations. It all came down to how well the barrel was made, what material it was made of and what type of projectile you were shooting. Some barrels from the same lot of steel wear in quicker and clean better than others, so it's just the luck of the draw sometimes. I've taken rifles fresh from the factory, made sure the bore was clear and shot it till the rifle wouldn't chamber a round. The other rifle was broken in with the shoot, clean, shoot, clean break in process and it didn't make a difference in accuracy between the two. We also lubed and cleaned the broken in barreled rifle. Both rifles were tested strapped to a lead sled, so no shooter error would be introduced into the equation. Hundreds of rounds with only a borescope inspection to see if the barrels were getting compromised with copper or carbon buildup. The two test subject rifles performed the same in accuracy and barrel fouling testing, but without proper cleaning of the chamber the un broken in rifle crapped the bed and wouldn't chamber or extract a round without using a mallet on the bolt. I leave barrel break in to the person buying the barrel. SJC
  9. Second one of the night. This one thought it could hide under the foliage. Took a couple of shot's. SJC
  10. This one came from a long way's away and thought it was in the clear. SJC
  11. This is a video from a late October 2020 hunt. I hunted this spot pretty regularly that year and you can see the deer in the background didn't even flinch at the shot. They bolt at the shot when I hunt at night after deer season opens. SJC
  12. Great cartridge, but I've had nothing but crappy performance using 869 because of it's temp sensitivity. I was loading 50Bmg with it, so maybe it'll perform better in a puny cartridge. SJC
  13. I would say that I get a shot at a mus once out of every five sightings. This is an example of the antics they put me through nightly. Most of the time I need to get off the rifle and reacquire them with the thermal spotter once they get out of the scopes narrow FOV. SJC
  14. This one thought it was safe to travel around after the rain passed through.Wrong. SJC
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