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Hunter Wallace

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  • Hunting Location
    Allegany County Region 9
  • Hunting Gun
    20ga deer slayer,3030 Winchester,
  • Bow
    Bear compound
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Oh sorry fasteddie,...how about youngins?their immature deer what’s the difference.didn’t know I had to be so persice.
  2. I agree,they have to be moving in a bit.It’s cold and they ARE going to feed.

  3. 18 degrees stiff 10-15 NW wind,no snow,can’t walk,crunch,crunch.To cold for ME to sit.If I only had some corn fields to look over I’d go out.Hunting. Southern Allegany County.
  4. As far as the bow and regular season goes,thru the years I hardly ever have seen a nice mature buck with the does that have trailing yearlings.Most of the time I see those buck trailing mature doe,more so after the shooting starts.Are the doe with yearlings not coming into esstress ?Or are the doe keeping the yearlings away from the buck to protect them from attack?
  5. My thought would be,...a doe will try to draw the danger away from her fawns.how many times in the summer have you bumped a doe up in a field,only to find a fawn still bedded down,while the doe makes sure you see her jumping and showing you her flag.
  6. This deer hung on the wall of the Duch Dunning home in Little Genesee,NY for years.That is where I first saw it.I believe it was donated after that.
  7. The buck was taken on Coon Hollow Rd.on the Dunning oil lease in Town of Genesee,Allegany County.One reason the buck was so big was because the season had been closed for a number of years,deer were able to gain age.I believe the Roosevelt buck was taken in the same area,both in 1939.There was another state record taken in 1948 in that area.
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