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  1. NRA, GOA and, even though I'm not Jewish, JPFO. You think the NRA gets rabid sometimes, check out the JPFO. ??? I don't necessarily need 30 round mags, but I have four SKS rifles equipped with them, along with spare mags. If I never need them fine, if I do, I have them. If you want to talk "need", then a hunter doesn't need anything more powerfrl than a .22LR. Toss in a .410 as a sop for birdhunters and outlaw everything else. DC
  2. Democrats / Liberals portray everything they oppose as "racist". The charge of racism doesn't have to make any sense, just the charge is enough to sway a lot of the sheep out there, and it gets them the Black vote as a bloc. DC
  3. "She also believes you have a thing for sheep." I thought the thread was a complete loss until I came across that one. Almost makes reading the whole thing wirthwhile. DC
  4. Try a Lindy Rig. (Google it for pictures). Very cheap and effective. They're available commercially, but are very easy to make - at about 1/20 th the cost. For a really rocky bottom, a Lindy Rig float will keep the bait off the bottom. DC
  5. I made that choice. I picked Northern Minnesota, after considering others, including my home state of Georgia. Anyplace has its plusses and minuses. Here, the initial cost of real estate was low, property taxes low and if I want to shoot on a range, I walk out my door to the range I have. Minuses are a long, hard winter (most years I get a few days of 35 below or colder. One year I saw -54, and that ain't wind chill.), poor job market and long trips to do any major shopping. Duluth is the closest urban center and that's over 100 miles of driving, each way. If you move, make sure that you can support yourself for at least a year, without a job. Sometimes jobs can be had, but the periods are brief. I was an EE my whole working life, not much call for that here, so I had to do some stopgap work until I could make a farm start paying. That sort of situation can make for some lean years, but, for me, it was worth it. If the population in my area of NY hadn't mushroomed, and the taxes been a little lower, I'd still be there I've had regrets, but the positives have outweighed the negatives. DC
  6. And I left over 20 years ago. When I moved there the first time, township population was about 950. I get back every couple of years, I still have a lot of kin and friends there. I don't even recognize the place anymore, but Palmyra still looks the same. If it wasn't for the population explosion, and, to a lesser extent, the taxes, I'd still live there. DC
  7. Macedon. I got out when it got way too many people. Been back several times, now its really overpopulated. DC
  8. One of my sons just got me an Emerson SOCFK folder. (He found it on the trail while hiking in North Carolina). Looked it up, it's a $135 knife. Doesn't appear that it will be too hard to copy, I have to order the steel yet. It has a Tanto point, I'll change that to a Spear point on the new one. I've made a few knives from files and the heavy power hacksaw blades. I want to make a Kukri just for fun - I got no real use for one. I've never seen a plated blade - polish the steel and use just a bit of oil. They won't rust. Some blades I've Parkerized, but it really isn't necessary unless you want to cut down any glare. DC
  9. I lived and hunted in NY for many years (Wayne County area +). I'm not in the state any longer, but I like to sort of "keep up" on some old, familiar areas. When I left, about the only turkey area was around Randolph - now I hear you have them all over the place. I also hunted the Adirondaks, near Big Moose and Number Four. DC
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