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  • Hunting Location
    1C, 4O, 7R
  • Hunting Gun
    300wsm rarely use
  • Bow
    Too many to list
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Bow for sure! being up close and personal, drawing back without getting picked off by the deer. Being silent and possible and making a good shot. Nothing gets my adrenalin going quite like bow hunting!
  2. I hunt windsor from time to time and took a decent 9 point from there last year. Not as flat as if you were to go more west but there is also a good amount of bears which is a bonus for me.
  3. Im going to let them go on my place in 4O. Not many deer on the place as I would like and am trying to let the herd grow a bit.
  4. Ok I'll add my recent experience. November 2nd unit 1C public land. Mid-high 40s in the morning in a clearing in some thick stuff near bedding. Doe comes in quick and have very little time to react but now I know the trail. 30 min later a very nice buck comes in. No time to count points but I saw the antler height and it was a shooter so I grab my bow, hook release, stop the buck perfectly broadside and make a 20 yard shot through the lungs mid body. Donkey kicks and takes off. Im shaking with excitement and adrenaline shortly after. Take down my stand so I can give him some little time. White fletching pink but by this time is 55 degrees and blood on arrow is dried up. Start looking for blood and nothing. I start to panic, is it liver, guts? Grid search for blood begins. Go farther and farther from arrow and still no blood, begin to fill with dread. Finally 50yards from the arrow I find a little drop with some bubbles. I continued to follow a very sparse trail of blood but there was bubbles so I was hopeful but the whole time I was doubting my shot placement. Finally after twists and turns through thicket I found him. Line distance on ONX was 98 yards so he ran well over 100 yards with a great double lung shot. Edit: I was about 12-15 feet up so not very extreme angle.
  5. Planned my Rutcation but it ended on the first day Nov 2nd. Tagged out for 2021/22 for bucks early October in 4O and early November 1C. Got a couple doe tags but my anxiety for missing those amazing cold days with a gentle snow fall in November is gone. Bittersweet!
  6. Hey all. New to forum. Born and raised in NY. Avid angler and bow hunter. Like to waterfowl every once in a while but chasing deer with a bow is what its all about for me.
  7. Born and raised in Brooklyn and my whole family and I are staunch conservatives, but yes its not common. Spent every summer as a kid on the north fork of LI running around bare foot and fishing, thats how I was raised so maybe that had an influence. Also, dont know one hunter who votes democrat. Ive followed that dude on insta for a while. Not really sure how if fee about him giving advice when I dont think hes killed a deer, like ever. Nothing wrong with trying and not having success, but to give advice... not so sure about that.
  8. New to the forum. Started hunting waterfowl in 2015 and deer in 2018 in my late 20s. No hunters in the family so got into it on my own and Im hooked for life.
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