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WNYTRPR last won the day on February 14 2022

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  1. You cannot use the water lint trap for gas dryers .Electric only .
  2. Yea ,sales were good ,look at his recent purchases.Lol
  3. Lint goes up almost instantly when lit with a match .
  4. Both metal and plastic flex vent are code violations technically .Lint gets trapped in both .You want hard galvanized if possible .
  5. Some are way to unethical with a gun ,a bow would be a nightmare .
  6. Block down any water ways as soon as ice goes out with body grippers (blind set)-Make sure to use a dive stick,don’t want them swimming over top of your body grip-Toss in castor sets along banks .Footholds are preferred for castor sets ,but you will catch them with body grips also(run a drowner if using foothold).You need guiding to make them go through the trap rather than around (block off)Don’t over think it .Beaver are as easy as catching muskrats ,just a bigger animal .You will run into trap shy beaver ,but you’re just beginning so I wouldn’t worry about catching every one . 2 year old beaver are dispersing this time of year to set up their own family and find a mate .Keep it simple .
  7. South Dakota knows what their doing .They’re not ran by a bunch of nuts like NY.They recognize trapping as a great conservation tool.And their governor is the best in the country .
  8. Anything but new balance for me .I’m trying to avoid this stereotype lol
  9. My turkey spots in may are void of turkeys now .I’ll care more come April .
  10. They grab on like an anaconda
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