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Posts posted by Gizmo285

  1. It will end up being a big money grab in the end. The law abiding guys and gals will have to cough up the money to support the losers on Public assistance by paying big fees to posses legal weapons while the criminals are doing the crimes with unregistered and stolen weapons with 30 rnd mags that are plentiful on the street. Where are our rights to protect ourself without paying dearly????

  2. I got pretty bored and went and bought some top round beef. Deer season [gun season] is a ways off so I actually spent money on beef to make some jerky. Had a good time though and it came out well...


    Sad part is I have to get blood work in the morning so I can't munch on anymore tonight.

  3. If you have a lot of years of hunting left in you buy an electric grinder. I bought the #22 from Cabelas a couple years ago and it is the cats meow. The initial investment sucks but the prices are definitely going up every year so take the plunge and get it over with. I gound up 25 pounds of pork butt in about 4 to 5 minutes. Comes w/ stuffers and 2 cutting plates....If you want to sell it down the road 10 tears from now you'd probably be close to getting your money back!! Good luck in what you decide.....

  4. I would think by law they would have to label it as smoke seasoning if no smoke was used but not 100% positive. They may pass it quickly through a smoke chamber, after adding liquid smoke to the sausage and pass it off as smoked. You are right. That sausage isn't dark at all. Nothing like homemade smoked though. I make it because I know what I am f\getting.

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  5. And why does hating Obama have to relate to liking Romney? I'm thinking they may have had general admission at one time for the convention and the people you saw there last night where the only ones that should up anyway..lol

    Look at how the country changed in 4 yrs and it damn sure wasn't for the better. Now we have citizenship for non citizens which adds to the minority vote. More unproductive people elgible to vote that are non contributors to our society which suck the money out of the middle class working man. Do you think minorities won't be ruling the country in 20 years?? They will keep voting and we'll keep working to support them... Oh well..

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