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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    7 mag
  • HuntingNY.com
    browsing thru ask.com

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nice deer, I too have hunted NC muzzleloader at Occaneechee lodge just outside of roanoke rapids, is that the same area you were in? Just wondering because I was thinking of doing a hunt down there next season, havent been since 2000.
  2. 5R, first year hunting in NY for me and my son in law, his first year hunting anything...wish him luck!!!!! he lives there and works a dairy farm, we will be hunting their property.
  3. I keep hearing about the 280, I just dont see ammo around for it and not many used rifles for sale in the caliber, I will check further though
  4. something wrong with the 7mm mag? Better ballistics than the 06 and a bit less recoil..
  5. well, I did get my license in NY last weekend without a problem, I just want to do a little deer hunting with a new hunter. Thanks for the advice and good wishes, hope you all have a great season. The area I am going to be hunting does have some good creek bottoms so I will be sure to scope those out as funnel areas....
  6. Thanks to all that welcomed me to NY and not to worry, 1 bad apple wont sway me..Good luck to all of you also..
  7. New Question!!!! Just got back from doing some scouting over in saratoga where we will be hunting in about a month..we have been granted access to a couple of fields that are bordered by small, (small) strips of woods, being a NH hunter and mainly hunt woods I am new to this field business, got any hints on the best tactics? Get in early morning and sit all day? etc..Any ideas would be great..
  8. i would go with google earth...
  9. I love the heart, sauteed with onion and garlic...
  10. thanks for the info, all i need to know is the zone i am hunting in right?
  11. bad me, just found out I missed out on a doe tag, last day to apply was yesterday..damn
  12. I dont know the name of the farm I will be hunting on but my daughter and son-in-law live on county rd in Schuylerville...and I would be plenty happy with a 6 point..
  13. Dont know about Muck boots but I bought some 1000 gram Lacrosse boots 2 yrs ago, hunt and ice fish in em and have yet to have a cold or wet foot...just use a good smartwool sock and your good to go.
  14. Thank you all for the comments and advice, I have googled the area and there seems to be alot of open fields and I am told they are loaded with clover. How is NY on the hunter orange issue? In NH it is not required, I wear it except up in a tree stand. In NH we can shoot 1/2 hour before and after legal sunrise and sunset. How is NY law?
  15. Just got onto this forum today, will be heading over to the Saratoga area to hunt deer this season with my son-in-law. Just wondering what to expect, long range, short, woods or fields? He works for a large dairy farm and he tells me we will be hunting on private land. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks
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