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Long Island Bowhunter

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Everything posted by Long Island Bowhunter

  1. finnaly headed out thursday going to hunt until sunday
  2. knock um dead boys hope to see many pictures and stories this year
  3. So here it is i got to my tree right around 630 i was very excited like always to get in my stand. At first light i had a small 8 and doe come by i watched them for 20 minutes until they dissapered. As the morning progressed i began to get tired when i get tired i begin to think and i remembered i was headed to delhi next week so i made a topic asking about state land. No sooner that i posted to the forum i heard a crash and out of No where i saw the ten point he came out at about 20 yards i new he was walking i figured id let him come as close as possible. But by the time he got to 15 yards i could no longer wait an drew back an released hitting the buck perfect. I heard him crash an he ran no more than 45 yards what a day. Rebound from my 12 point earlier this year.
  4. pics up story later just got called into work
  5. !5 yards broadside will post entire story tonight
  6. going to give him sometime ill post back this afternoon
  7. ps came in rite after posting a topic about stat land in delhi
  8. Your long island hunter has struck back again jus released an arrow on a big old ten point i heard him crash so this isn't going to end up like my heart break 12 point from the begging of the season 15 yards broadside love playing hookie.
  9. Anyone know any good state land near Delhi Ny i will be there next week for a few days and would like to do some hunting.
  10. Im almost positive this topic was posted for people to fight an talk shit . im all for antler restrictions an believe me i have no problem shooting a doe but i enjoy shooting deer with a nice rack if im going to shoot a buck.
  11. No luck searched everywhere from sunrise to after sunset I'm going out tomorrow but im going to hunt ill search again this weekend just can't believe i don't have my hands on him.
  12. Hitting the woods early this may be a long long day.
  13. Yeh i mean I'm sure i could have seen something i didn't being i was shaking to the point that i could see my pins spinning around the body of the deer. i took a deep breath the shaking slowed to the point i was able to put my 30 yard pin on the vital ill let you guys know tomorrow.
  14. Thank you everyone it sucks maybe tomorrow will bring better news I'm just destroyed by it I've never lost a deer and to loose the biggest one I've ever shot is horrible.
  15. which was covered in blood ill post a pic of the arrow tomorrow u guys tell me why u think
  16. sorry miss typed 615 625 is when i came down from the stand to get my arrow
  17. I might as well tell you guys the story even though it does know good without the picture. Around 1230 me an my dad decided to pack the car and head down to our hunting buddies property my dad told me he heard of a big bruiser roaming the edge of the fields he said he wanted to get in stand by 2 and be ready. With this in mind i was excited to get in my stand 40 yards off of a corn field around 330 i had to does and a small 4 come in which i watched for around an hour and than they moved off. After the 3 deer moved off is was dead quiet. At 625 i radioed my dad and told him i was going to climb down ill meet him at the truck. No sooner that i hooked my bow up and began lowering it down i heard a twig break 40 yards in front of me i looked up to see this giant rack moving through the woods i slowly pulled my bow back into the stand an knocked an arrow as the deer walked towards me i counted 12 points when the deer reached 30 yards i drew my bow back with a perfect broadside shot i released the arrow I'm for certain that i hit a perfect lung shot because the blood i found sunday night was bubbled up. the reason i backed out was because i was so excited that i could barley move and new id end up pushing him. i called my dad and told him i just arrowed the biggest buck I've ever seen and that id wait till after class to go get him. (thanks for the support I'm not going to class tomorrow I'm giving another full day of searching so will see what happens I'm no longer looking forward to the meet but getting my hands on his horns)
  18. Well its official i give up i tracked this deer the entire day from the time of my last post i had my farther with me we searched high and low for this deer. Possibly the biggest deer i might ever see in Ny let alone shoot. we lost blood once we got down in to a thick creek bottom. it was around 930 when my dad said i think its time to call it a day. I'm 18 years old and not ashamed to say i dropped to my knees and starting crying i just don't know how the deer ran that far now the only thing I'm going to do is search for him just to get the rack. sorry for the late post I'm so ashamed i couldn't share my story and pics with you guys.
  19. Just got out of School longest day ever headed out now to find him and shot on private property owned by one of my hunting buddies
  20. Shot a Giant 12 Pointer this afternoon around 6:15 found good blood decided to back out till morning don't wanna push him.
  21. great day saw a monster 8 chasing a doe early this morning 25 yards from my stand i than had a spike come under my stand passed on him and saw a couple does in the evening
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