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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. In related news about vulnerable Arabic regimes, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah returned from three months abroad on Wednesday and promptly cracked open the royal piggy bank, clearly hoping simply to pay off any of his subjects who might be getting ideas about revolt. According to differing news reports, the king doled out between $34 and $37 billion worth of cheer in different subsidies. Abdullah and his very extended ruling family have good reason to worry. Saudi Arabia provides free college education to its young men and women but cannot provide them with jobs. Outside the oil industry, which is largely run by foreigners, and a limited number of government jobs, the ordinary Saudi has little opportunity to move up in the world or to support a family.
  2. Obama has been much quieter about Gadhafi's bloody regime than he was in his support for Mubarak's ouster. Perhaps that is because, by extension, Obama has ties to Gadhafi that he would like to leave in the closet. As you may recall, Obama's spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright, has long been tied to Gadhafi and the U.S. organization he sponsors, Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. In the 2008 election campaign, Wright even noted, "When [Obama's] enemies find out that I went to Tripoli to visit [Gadhafi] with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell." Of course, at the time, his sychophants were so focused on "hope and change" that nobody noticed.
  3. The dumbed down America and Obama's spending. I'm not an expert on religion in America so I'm not sure of the point being made about that.
  4. OK, Here's the first group of points that were made. Your comments sir. First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their “right” to choke down a McDonalds burger or a Burger King burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our “democracy”. Pride blinds the foolish. Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different “branches and denominations” were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega-preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the “winning” side of one pseudo-Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the “winning” side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America. The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been record setting, not just in America’s short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Weimar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
  5. I'm hearing a lot of general objection to the letter, but nothing specific to counter what was written in it. A case was made, does the defense have anything to say? Should I post points one at a time to make things easier to comprehend?
  6. General Overview About three-quarters of Americans support hunting. One nationwide survey found that 77% of adult Americans approve of legal hunting (45% strongly approve), while 16% disapprove (Figure 1) (RM2006c). Another nationwide study found that 75% of adult Americans approve of legal hunting (48%strongly approve), while 17% disapprove (RM 2003b). In these surveys, the term, “legal hunting,” was used to ensure that respondents would not confuse the term, “hunting,” to include poaching and other types of illegal hunting, as focus group research has found that many people include these forms of illegal hunting in their conception of the term, “hunting” (RM 1993a). In a nationwide survey that asked a question specifically about the legality of hunting, 81% of adult Americans agree that hunting should continue to be legal (RM 1995).
  7. Public Opinion on Hunting is pretty good. http://www.responsivemanagement.com...unting.pdf
  8. You don't think capitalism is a good thing? What have you got against Republicans?
  9. Utter disdain for our military is patriotic now? And don't try to say it isn't there. :
  10. I can understand why the other side thinks like they do, and I am more than prepared to engage in a calm, collected, intellectual debate with them, if they are of like mind regarding a debate. What I don't understand is how some on this side of the issue don't have the ability to handle a debate on behalf of their chosen beliefs. Nothing will cause you to lose a debate with the other side faster than not knowing what you are talking about. Once again, most of the public does not think what you think they do.
  11. Actually, it's Democrat Lawmakers that refuse to enforce the law against employers in the US. Illegal Alien is another word for undocumented Democrat you know.
  12. My baby sister is in the USAF. Lt. Col at McDill in Tampa, Fl. My nephews are in the Army in Iraq, The USMC in Afghanistan, The Navy on a sub out of Pearl and my uncles were mostly Navy but one is USMC Lt.Col (ret) fighter pilot, WWII, Korea, Nam. My son wanted USMC but an ear problem DQ'd him. I did my time in DC at Naval Research Labs & Naval Surface Weapons Lab.
  13. http://beforeitsnews.com/story/439/877/Bloomberg_To_Push_For_New_Oppressive_National_Gun_Laws.html
  14. The person in this video is a professor (Ph.D.) at Yavapai College in Prescott , Arizona . He puts a different spin on what Obama is doing to help Arizona and he repeats the important parts and speaks slowly enough to allow you to follow what he's saying; must be why he's rated highly by his students - 3.8 on a 4.0 scale. This may be the best video produced on the illegal alien problems that are being experienced. After you see the video, remember that Obama and Holder have just announced they will not enforce the Federal Law know as DOMA either. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll let you research it.
  15. After being shot eleven times in an Iraqi firefight and recovering for two years in Walter Reed Army Medical Center, it's obvious that former Staff Sgt. Anthony Maschek isn't shying away from a fight. Indeed, he bravely stepped forward to endure the verbal punishment of fellow Columbia University students who jeered him at a town hall meeting for his stance in support of bringing the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) back to the campus. The 28-year-old freshman was greeted with the standard leftist epithet of "racist!" along with their boos and catcalls. At least they didn't spit on him. However, the demise of ROTC at Columbia predates the controversy over homosexuals serving openly in the military, or even the birth of the young ideologues in the audience. The school disbanded a longstanding Navy ROTC program way back in 1969, and while ROTC training is available for Columbia students who wish to be Army and Air Force cadets, they have to attend those classes at other nearby colleges. Still, Maschek believed the Columbia program should be reinstated because "it doesn't matter how you feel about the war ... there are bad men out there plotting to kill you." Obviously, those who believed the anti-military stance of Columbia and many of its Ivy League peers would disappear with the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" were too optimistic. DADT was a smokescreen for the real problem: the utter disdain for the military instilled by too many in academia and popular culture and proven by the misbehavior of Columbia students toward an American Patriot who deserves their profound respect.
  16. While America's best and bravest continue to take the fight to the Taliban and al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan, the Obama regime continues to make the Afghan campaign an unbelievably muddled mess, and it will be U.S. troops who pay the price -- with their blood. Reports from last weekend say that the U.S. has entered into direct contact with the Taliban in Afghanistan, hoping that at least some Taliban leaders will choose to break with al-Qa'ida and participate in Afghan electoral politics, such as they are. These would be the same Taliban who have been fighting and killing U.S. and Afghan forces over the past decade, who nurtured al-Qa'ida prior to 9/11, and who seek to impose a Sharia theocracy in Afghanistan, if not the world. This move is another sign that Obama has no plans for victory in Afghanistan, that he never intended victory, and that he has grown weary of the effort. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all but admitted as much last week, saying, "We are launching a diplomatic surge to move this conflict toward a political outcome that shatters the alliance between the Taliban and al-Qa'ida, ends the insurgency, and helps produce a stable Afghanistan and a peaceful region." Wow, a "diplomatic surge." If the Taliban are quaking in their boots from that statement, it's because they're laughing so hard. I can't wait for the diplomatic shock and awe campaign. Unbelievably, Obama's State Department is also assisting a delegation from Afghan President Hamid Karzai that is seeking the release of 20 Taliban commanders and leaders at Gitmo. Of course, they're still held because there is no doubt that, if released, they would return to the battlefield and kill American troops. If Obama doesn't care about Afghanistan or our troops there, and he decides to cut our losses and bring our troops home, perhaps those soldiers can then prepare for the time when they'll be needed here at home, when the jihadis again return to our shores. Or at least wait until we get a commander-in-chief who knows how to take the fight to the enemy.
  17. Reports have surfaced that tie the Obama administration to a massive green energy stimulus scam by a failed California solar panel manufacturer whose billionaire majority owner happened to be a major fundraiser for the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign. Solyndra Inc. left taxpayers on the hook for $390.5 million by reneging on its promise to create 3,000 construction jobs and 1,000 manufacturing jobs. Instead of creating the president's utopian green manufacturing economy, Solyndra announced Nov. 3 that it planned to postpone expansion, close a plant and lay off workers. According to Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Solyndra should never have received a stimulus-guaranteed loan of $535 million. You don't say. The Obama administration's government payback of its own campaign fundraiser's "green" enterprises -- that predictably never turn a profit -- has yet to prompt this administration to make meaningful efforts to stop fraud and waste. The government has no legitimate business trying to fund new industries and unproven startups. Sad how the Obama administration's green energy stimulus schemes continue to be financial calamities for the taxpayers.
  18. This will test your sense of humor: A professor at the University of West Virginia was giving a lecture on 'Involuntary Muscular Contractions' to his first year medical students. Realizing this was not the most riveting subject, the professor decided to lighten the mood slightly. He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said, 'Do you know what your a-hole is doing while you're having an orgasm?' She replied, 'Probably deer hunting with his buddies.' It took 45 minutes to restore order in the classroom.....
  19. I have to laugh at the fact you guys don't address any of the issues I post. You'd rather attack me personally, and quite desperately at that, because you appear to be unable to debate the posted issue. I can't help but laugh at your accusations, because you know nothing about me and you ignore the tidbits of beliefs that I allow you to view. If anyone goes back over my posts, I think they will find I try very hard not to personally attack another individual on here. I will address what they post, and vigorously if I feel strongly about it, but I will not be so crass or presumptuous to assume I know what they think, or what they believe. I don't feel any need to respond to personal attacks with childish abandon, and it's not because I am ignoring you, you're just insignificant.
  20. I find it interesting this thread has become a discussion on religion, when the original post is a letter from a Russian about their views on current American events and it's possible outcome. The proclivities of the blogger have no influence on the subject matter in the letter she posted. The point of the post was to show the opinion of members of the EU regarding the current state of affairs in America. The blogger obviously found the letter useful for her purposes as well, but the letter and the blogger have nothing to do with each other. It seems posting comments about her, or her religious beliefs is a vain attempt to distract the thread and change the subject. I also find it interesting that people who will stand up for the right to practice the Muslim faith in America, which I do not argue with, will turn around and protest the minute any political discussion comes from a Christian source. That can only be considered hypocrisy and self serving. I notice many self proclaimed intellectuals in America will viciously attack any religious speech that is from a Christian source while not challenging any other religious speech from Islam or even Satanists, which is what the blogger of this letter is involved in challenging. And to attack me for posting it, while calling my views shallow, or less than serious, is laughable in it's desperation.
  21. I guess you guys only have the ability to attack the messenger and not the message. What's the matter, the article too deep for you to discuss?
  22. Freedom of speech allows anyone to show what an a-hole they really are too. But it doesn't protect you from judgement and criticism when you are absolutely wrong!
  23. She just posted the article, she didn't write it. And you find her religious beliefs and defense of Christians a problem? And this complaint comes from someone who defends the rights of radical Muslims.
  24. This is a view of America from abroad. It's a very interesting piece. http://americanholocaustcoming.blog...st-eu.html
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