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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Are 30 round mags still legal in NY?? I thought they were illegal now.
  2. "the gun needs to be able to accept a removable clip capable of more than 5 rounds AND include two of the defined features. You can have a collapsible stock and a pistol grip." I was referring to this line. I do not believe that is correct on a rifle. Maybe on a shotgun, but not a rifle. P.S. On the heads up they got, the rifles were modified by the buyers after the sale. The FFL can not be held liable for what happens to the gun after they sell it. They have all pleaded not guilty and were released without bail. Smells like harassment designed to put them out of business by forcing them to spend tons in court, IMHO.
  3. Does the SKS have a removable magazine?? I was not sure about the tube magazine, but I believe the laws are different for a shotgun vs a rifle. The collapsible stock and pistol grip may be OK on a shotgun, but may not on the rifle. These FFL's were busted for AR-15 rifles. This is where these laws really get out of control. They are so convoluted and so misunderstood, even many LEO's don't know for certain what is legal and what is not. And they may even vary from county to county in NY state. Often this leads to arrests to be on the safe side, leaving the hapless gun owner in a legal quagmire and forced to spend thousands to defend himself in court, with no ability to recover damages when proven innocent.
  4. "Fittest", encompasses all survival skills boys, including awareness and intelligence. Life is what happens to you when you least expect it and are busy making other plans. When I was a young lad, the boy scouts taught me to be prepared. My experiences in life since then have convinced me that was good advice. Suit yourselves.
  5. Knowing what keeps you healthy allows you to live longer too. Some people die young due to unhealthy lifestyle choices, accidents, or even murder. Others are smarter. It's Darwinian natural selection. Only the intelligent survive, except for in this country, where the government helps to keep stupid people alive.
  6. The law says it needs two of those things if it is semi auto and has the capacity to accept a magazine of more than five rounds. I assume that also means a Marlin tube fed semi auto .22 that has a folding stock.
  7. Vigilance is to the advantage of the courageous, not to the coward, nor the oblivious.
  8. And the government, PETA, animal rights groups, etc. have never done anything at all to give anyone pause that our hunting rights on public land may ever be in jeopardy!!! : Some people never see it coming.
  9. Yes! All it needs is a collapsible pistol grip stock to put you in prison for a long time. But they will usually let you go with a huge fine, probation and the loss of all your 2nd Amendment rights. Why do you need such an evil weapon anyway?? : ;)
  10. Two eight point bucks were bedded in tall grass in the middle of a sunny field on a beautiful, warm November day. One buck was enjoying the day immensely, without a care in the world, except for the fact the other deer was edgy, nervous and jittery. The relaxed buck began making fun of the watchful buck, calling him foolish for being on watch. "We're in the middle of a field, at least 300 yards from the woods edge. We can see clearly if any danger approaches and have the wind in our favor. I've spent many days in this field sunning myself without any trouble. The farmer doesn't allow hunting on his land without his permission and it's the middle of the day. Nothing has ever happened under these circumstances in this field, even during hunting season, so relax already!" No sooner than the thought was conveyed to the nervous buck, a .30 caliber bullet ripped through the relaxed buck's neck. The moral of the story? You're not paranoid, if there is real danger out there targeting you.
  11. Those who believe they will always have a right to hunt in this country, without lifting a finger to prevent it's demise in the future, also hear only three words from me. Damn You Dumb!
  12. A couple on Long Island, NY gun dealers were busted for violations of ridiculous and oppressive "assault weapon" laws, forced upon law abiding gun owners and dealers, by lawmakers looking to criminalize semi-auto firearms they don't like the looks of. Under New York State law, only police officers, peace officers, and duly authorized members of the military are legally permitted to possess assault weapons. One category of an assault weapon is defined as a semi-automatic rifle with the ability to accept a magazine carrying more than five rounds of ammunition and that must also have at least two additional characteristics. These additional characteristics can include a folding or telescoping stock, a protruding pistol grip, a bayonet mount, a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, or a grenade launcher. Shop owners were breaking the law by selling weapons that appeared as though they lacked the required characteristics of an assault weapon. However, the stock was easily modified, thereby making them full-fledged assault weapons. What was easily modified to make these firearms so dangerous?? "A pin in the fixed stock of a AR-15 type weapon was easily removable making the stock collapsible". These NY FFL's have now been arrested and face a possible 15 years in Federal prison for "flooding the streets with dangerous assault weapons". If you are one of those people who think these assault weapon laws are reasonable, common sense laws that are no threat to you and your hunting rifles, think again!!
  13. You need to study the history of hunting in European countries. If you did you will see how their hunting was relegated to total government control and available only to the well connected or wealthy. Peasants are not able to hunt, nor are they able to own hunting firearms. But of course, that could never happen here. : See no evil, hear no evil.
  14. Quoting Roman statesman and political theorist Marcus Tullius Cicero: "A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves against those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."
  15. According to State Department cables, the Mexican drug cartels are getting their weaponry from an international operation, with the cartels getting military weapons through various government channels. Some of those weapons did, in fact, come from the United States, but they weren't the result of the "gun show loophole" straw-man purchases or any of the other individual criminal acts anti-gun groups would have you believe. Large quantities of those US weapons -everything from rifles to machine guns, grenade launchers, explosives and ammunition, came from purchases by the government of Mexico from the United States. As the underpaid, undermanned and undermined soldiers of the Mexican army skipped out on the military to put their training to work for the cartels, they took their issued-arms with them. Others come from weapon buys from guerilla groups in South and Central America that are then smuggled into the country. No specific numbers on how many of those guns "recovered in Mexico and traced back to the United States" were, in fact, military purchases, but the State Department cables indicate a portion of the fewer than 12 percent of the traceable weapons actually came from the United States in gun shop/individual type purchases. Remember, that's not 12 percent of the tens of thousands of weapons recovered - it's only 12 percent of the weapons recovered that were traceable. It's nowhere near the 12 percent figure that has been misquoted and used as evidence of the United State's "horrific" problem of illegal gun sales.
  16. How come you guys don't complain about your property taxes and other taxes going up every year? When the government sends you a letter asking for more money, you have to pay it. They ain't just askin'! And they are the same folks who are always passing laws to limit your gun rights even more.
  17. For those of you penny pinchers, the NRA as a 5 year membership for $100. That's only $20 per year, for those who are mathematically challenged.
  18. The report proves the weapons currently being used in the Mexican drug wars today, are not coming from American gun owners, or it's border FFL'S, in direct opposition to the claims of the Fed, BATFE, Holder, Obama, Hillary, and the rest of the Socialist, Gun Grabbing, Pigs!
  19. Those of you that only care about the firearms you own, while willing to allow the government to criminalize other gun owners firearms, one small step at a time, are not good American citizens, and make me physically ill when I read your posts. Do you really think the Fed will stop banning guns at some point? It is a slippery slope boys! The more they get what they demand, the more they will demand. Have you no clue of the history of gun confiscation in Great Britain, Australia, Canada and the United states? Are you not aware of the concerted efforts in this country to stop hunting? When that happens, why will you need to own a hunting firearm? You will have painted yourself into a corner at that point and have no argument for keeping them, will you? You guys are so far from being informed of the reality of the threats that are currently in progress in America, you are totally useless in the fight to stop it. Thankfully, there are people, and organizations, in this country who are informed, aware of the attacks on gun ownership and willing to stand up to it and fight! The rest of you might as well be bull teets. Useless! Perhaps, regarding 2nd Amendment freedoms, even dangerous! When I run into gun owners with such naive beliefs, I will not hunt with, shoot with or associate with such people. I have three words for them. "Damn You Dumb!"
  20. I believe there are a lot of guys on this forum who wouldn't resist one bit if the government told them to turn in every firearm, bow, arrow and knife they have in their possession. They would do it like the good sheep they are, and then piss and moan about it, like they do every other oppressive action the government has already shoved up their southern orifices. : Heck, men do it everyday right now, every time a wife decides to file a restraining order against her husband to get herself out of their marriage.
  21. Almost forgot my favorite analogy: How many men would be willing to give up their Johnson because the government thought that would prevent all of the rapes in America? :
  22. I get upset when people say the 2nd Amendment only protects firearms the government deems you may need. What type of firearm do you think you would need to defend yourself from a government that takes total control of your life, declares martial law or totally removes your freedoms for their own oppressive reasons? If you were a store owner in LA during the riots over the Rodney King beating and mobs of rioters were burning every property in the city, what type of weapon do you think you would need to defend your property? How many rounds do you want in your magazine? Freedom means I get to decide what I need. It's nobody's business if I am not harming anyone else with what I possess. That's what I believe the 2nd Amendment protects. We have laws to prosecute people for commiting any crime imaginable. Where is it in the Constitution the Fed has the right to prosecute a person for something he has the potential to do?? How about if the Fed decides you don't need a Corvette, Ferrari, Harley Davidson or Ducati race bike because they can go faster than any legal speed limit? Would that be OK with you too?? What about when they start adding all cars and motorcycles to the list??? Or at least those that have an engine with more than 50 HP and don't have a speed governor to prevent speeds over 55 MPH?? Americans that are willing to give any control over their freedom to the government have no clue how much they may wind up losing!! And just because a lot of freedom has already been given up, doesn't mean we would be wise to keep giving up more. >
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