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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. CZ is a maker of good quality, reliable firearms. I've owned a few of them and have never been disappointed by them. No worries.
  2. Binghamton, New York — once a powerhouse of industry — is now approaching Detroit in many economic measures, according to the U.S. Census. In Binghamton, more than 31 percent of city residents are at or below the federal poverty level compared to 38 percent in Detroit. Average household income in Binghamton at $30,179 in 2012 barely outpaces Detroit’s $26,955. By some metrics, Binghamton is behind Detroit. Some 45 percent of Binghamton residents own their dwellings while more than 52 percent of Detroit residents are homeowners. Both “Rust Belt” cities have lost more than 2 percent of their populations. Binghamton is not alone. Upstate New York — that vast 50,000-square mile region north of New York City — seems to be in an economic death spiral. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/04/upstate-new-york-is-becoming-detroit-with-grass-thanks-to-years-of-democratic-rule/
  3. You’ve seen Andrew Cuomo’s TV commercials, the ones that say, “The new New York is open. Open to innovation. Open to ambition. Open to bold ideas.” The spot is promoting the Start-Up NY program. Now the results are starting to come in: 76 jobs so far. In the entire state. From a program that has spent $28 million advertising its own existence. That’s $368,000 per job. Start-Up NY sounds great on its face. It’s a tax cut. Who could argue with that? The problem is that it’s a very, very narrow tax cut. It’s only for certain kinds of businesses that do certain kinds of things in certain areas of the state. http://nypost.com/2015/04/12/government-logic-spending-28m-to-create-76-jobs/?utm_content=buffer78ae2&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  4. If you follow the money promoting her campaign through the Clinton Foundation, you see most of it comes from foreign sources and indicate a huge conflict of interest. Killary supports the interests of the rest of the world, over the best interests of the US. http://news.yahoo.com/clinton-foundation-donations-land-hillary-hot-water-195946619.html
  5. The scandal no one is talking about: $6 Billion Dollars Disappeared From Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. The State Department has lost track of approximately $6 billion used to pay its contractors, according to a report from the department’s Inspector General. An inability to file paperwork properly and a “lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years,” State Department Inspector General Steve Linick said in a “management alert” made public Thursday. Linick was appointed in 2013 after the State Department went without an IG for nearly five years, the longest that any federal agency has gone without a chief auditor, the Washington Post reported. “The failure to maintain contract files adequately creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” the alert states. The department’s mismanagement of contract funds and contract-related files started a little before Hillary Clinton was appointed Secretary of State. It continued throughout her entire tenure at the State Department. The IG’s alert, which was published on March 20, but only made available this week, comes at a time when the federal government struggles with contracts and payments to private contractors, the Fiscal Times reported. The government’s continued lack of oversight “exposes the department to significant financial risk,” Linick said. “It creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file. It impairs the ability of the Department to take effective and timely action to protect its interests, and, in turn, those of taxpayers.” The IG memo continues, listing several examples of “of poor contract file administration.” For example, the IG found during its investigation of contracts issued in support of U.S. operations in Iraq that 33 of 115 contracts have gone missing. The 33 missing contracts are worth a total of $2.1 billion. And as for the remaining 82 contracts, auditors say at least 48 are missing the necessary documentation required under federal law, the Fiscal Times reported. The IG recommended in its report that the State Department establish a system to maintain and organize all contracts and contract-related documentation. The State Department responded by agreeing with the auditor’s suggestion, saying that it will address its “vulnerability” in awarding and maintaining information on contracts. – Becket Adams/ The Blaze
  6. The Elk in PA are turning out to be high maintenance and costly for the taxpayers. They do bring in tourists, and that works because they are concentrated in a relatively small area of the state. It may not be long before the novelty of that wears off. They are transplanted Rocky Mountain Elk, which are different from the Eastern Elk NY used to have. NY habitat would probably not suit them too well. If it ever happens in NY, it will be decades before they ever allow a hunt for them. And like PA, a drawing for tags would be done where the odds of drawing a Bull tag would be very long.
  7. The 2nd link has engine info. It has 55 HP and 55 ft lbs of torque, will do 100 mph and 0 to 60 in 9 secs. It's not heavy so 55 HP will push it as well as a mid sized motorcycle. G-Man, the Spyder bikes are also rear wheel drive only. Front wheel drive make a huge difference in traction. It will be offered with an automatic transmission if you need that, but it will be an option for $1000 more.
  8. The original campaign against smoking was always meant to be big lawsuits that would get the states big money. It never had anything to do with the smokers or their health. The same tactic was tried against gun manufacturers during the Clinton presidency. Fortunately the courts told them to pound salt.
  9. How far down the rabbit hole does this Clinton stuff go?? Much deeper than short memory Americans will admit. http://www.clintonmemoriallibrary.com/clintcrimefamily.html
  10. If public sector unions provide improved wages, benefits and representation, why are public sector employees always screaming they're underpaid and not properly represented? Public sector unions should be outlawed as enemies of the state. Killary loves them, because she can buy their votes by promising them the world and paying for it with our tax dollars.
  11. Another site with more info. http://eliogenuine.eliomotors.com/?utm_campaign=elio-launch&utm_medium=display&utm_source=dp&utm_content=us-bt-al-na-ba-citizenbetfacebook
  12. Not when her constituents endorse achieving progressive goals through any means, and most Democrats will vote for whoever the party selects to run, no matter what they've done in the past. I don't think anything has changed, but I'm hoping the Democrats have learned something about lies from their current leader.
  13. If you cared about corruption in the highest office in the land, you would too.
  14. A guide to 17 Clinton scandals from Travelgate to Emailgate Hillary Clinton is entering the presidential race in a cloud of scandal surrounding foreign contributions to the Clinton family foundation and her use of a private email account and server to conduct official business while secretary of state. But she and her husband are no strangers to scandal. To help readers keep track of them all, herewith is a list of significant Clinton scandals over the years. It is by no means a comprehensive list. We will update this list as needed in the months ahead. Travelgate: Soon after her husband became president in 1993, first lady Hillary Clinton allegedly engineered the firing of seven employees of the White House travel office and the hiring of a firm with ties to the Clintons to replace them. Multiple investigations absolved the president of involvement but Hillary Clinton was found to have made false statements to investigators. Hillarycare secrecy: When first lady Hillary Clinton convened her task force to create her husband's national healthcare program, it included multiple representatives from government, the health and insurance industries and academics. Despite the obvious potential for conflicts of interest in closed deliberations, the task force's meetings were kept secret throughout its existence. Whitewater: In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Bill and Hillary Clinton were associates of Jim and Susan McDougal in the Whitewater Development Corp., an Arkansas real estate investment firm that went under when McDougal's Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan was closed by federal regulators for illegal accounting. Taxpayers lost $73 million due to Guaranty. The Clintons lost an estimated $67,000 on their investment, but McDougal helped pay off Bill Clinton's campaign debts, and Hillary Clinton's law firm received an unknown sum in fees for representing a Guaranty project that also failed. Filegate: Hundreds of FBI background files on officials in previous Republican presidential administrations were improperly given in 1993 and 1994 to Craig Livingstone, the director of White House security who was a Hillary Clinton favorite. No illegal activity was ever proven, and Livingstone ultimately resigned. Removing files from Vince Foster's office: Vince Foster was President Clinton's deputy White House counsel and long-time friend of Hillary Clinton. He committed suicide in 1993, and his body was found in a park just across the Potomac River from the White House. Files were also allegedly removed from his White House office before investigators were able to secure it as part of the official probe into his death. Lost Rose Law Firm billing records: Congressional and Justice Department investigators began issuing subpoenas in 1994 for Hillary Clinton's billing records as a partner in the Rose law firm at the center of the Whitewater scandal. She said her role was incidental, but when the records mysteriously turned up in the White House in 1996, they showed she met repeatedly with key figures in the scandal. Commerce Department's "pay to play" junkets: Seats on Commerce Department international trade missions were sold to corporate figures in return for big contributions to President Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, who was reported to have opposed the scheme, died when one of the missions crashed in Croatia, leading independent counsel Daniel Pearson to leave his investigation unfinished. Renting Lincoln Bedroom: More than 800 people stayed overnight in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House during President Bill Clinton's tenure. At least $5.4 million in campaign contributions from many of those guests went into Clinton's re-election effort. Among the paying guests were movie producer Steven Spielberg, Dreamworks SKG head David Geffen and long-time Hollywood powerhouse Lew Wasserman. John Huang: A close associate of Indonesian industrialist James Riady, Huang initially was appointed deputy secretary of commerce in 1993. By 1995, however, he moved to the Democratic National Committee where he generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources. Huang later pleaded guilty to one felony count of campaign finance violations. Charlie Trie: Like John Huang, Trie raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal contributions from foreign sources to Democratic campaign entities. He was a regular White House visitor and arranged meetings of foreign operators with Clinton, including one who was a Chinese arms dealer. His $450,000 contribution to Clinton's legal defense fund was returned after it was found to have been largely funded by Asian interests. Trie was convicted of violating campaign finance laws in 1998. Johnny Chung: Gave more than $366,000 to the Democratic National Committee prior to the 1996 campaign, but it was returned after officials learned it came from illegal foreign sources. Chung later told a special Senate committee investigating 1996 Clinton campaign fund-raising that $35,000 of his contributions came from individuals in Chinese intelligence. Chung pleaded guilty to bank fraud, tax evasion and campaign finance violations. No controlling legal authority: Then-Vice President Al Gore repeated the phrase "there is no controlling legal authority" at least seven times during a news conference called to explain his multiple telephone calls from the White House to solicit contributions to the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign in 1996. In fact, the law was and remains clear that partisan campaign contributions cannot be solicited on or using federal property. Monica Lewinsky and impeachment: President Clinton became only the second chief executive ever impeached by the House of Representatives in 1998 after being found guilty of obstructing justice and committing perjury in connection with a grand jury investigation of his sexual relationship in the White House with intern Monica Lewinsky. He remained in office, however, after the Senate failed to convict him. When the news of the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary famously blamed a "vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president." Pardongate: Shortly before leaving the Oval Office, Bill Clinton issued a number of controversial pardons for controversial individuals represented by lawyers with ties to the administration. The most controversial was convicted tax evader Marc Rich who was pardoned after his former wife made big contributions to the Clinton presidential library and to Hillary Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign. The Bosnia airport sniper lie: During her unsuccessful 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton claimed to have come under sniper fire during her arrival as first lady at an airport in Bosnia in 1996. She recanted her claim after CBS News broadcast video of the arrival that demonstrated there was no sniper fire. The email scandal: While serving as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, Hillary Clinton used a private email account and a server located at her residence in Chappaqua, N.Y., to conduct official government business. In a March 10, 2015, news conference at the United Nations, she said she did this as a matter of personal "convenience" and that she deleted thousands of emails she considered personal. Federal laws and regulations require government employees to preserve personal emails that deal with official business. The Clinton Foundation: After leaving the White House in 2001, Bill Clinton established a foundation in his name to raise funds for his presidential library. In the years since, the foundation — now known as the "Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation" — has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for worthy causes, with much of it coming from foreign governments, corporations and individuals. Critics claim the foundation is a tool for special interests to cultivate favorable relationships with the former and possible future president. – MARK TAPSCOTT/Washington Examiner
  15. It's designed for a 5 Star safety rating with a full body cage like a race car has. It's front wheel drive and quite light so it is good in snow if it's not too deep. It will have a custom 3 cyl engine built with hi performance parts like headers and multi port fuel injection and is supposed to do 110 MPH. It would be an additional vehicle for me. I'd use it for the 400 mile round trip to visit family out of state every month. The link doesn't have a lot of info, but if you Google the name, there's a lot of info out there on the web. They send me e-mail updates and tech info all the time. I think they will be available this summer.
  16. Any one else following the development and launch of this front drive, 3 wheeled vehicle? I'm thinking about getting one for a runabout. The motorcycles get no use 5 or 6 months of the year with the winters we have been getting. This is a 5 speed with heat and A/C that can be used all year long. It's a good compliment to a big 4 wheel drive pickup that only gets 20 mpg on the highway. Why use that to run 5 miles to town for milk and bread? http://www.eliomotors.com/
  17. Fewer birds for sure. I think the biggest population of turkeys in NY right now is in Albany!
  18. Like I said, attitudes like that. You haven't a clue, yet you think you do. That's the scary thing. I repeat, get a US History text from your local school system and read it. It's subtle, but the message is no longer America is an exceptional land and the greatest country on earth. It's more judgmental about US history with a tendency to imply guilt. Read some of the links I posted.
  19. Liberals are all about the Leftist agenda, and in the Clinton's case, they admire folks who are willing to do anything, legal or not, to attain that goal. The ends justify the means. That's why they are so dangerous to the future of this country.
  20. http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/education-2/the-left-is-secretly-trying-to-change-how-american-history-is-taught-to-high-school-students http://loonybird.com/schools_leftist.htm http://www.frontpagemag.com/2013/bruce-thornton/is-leftist-school-indoctrination-unstoppable/ http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2014/09/15/proposed-texas-textbooks-are-full-of-progressive-bias-says-curriculum-accuracy-expert/ Take your pick from any of the above.
  21. You can find all the information you want in this one book. 48 Liberal Lies About American History: (That You Probably Learned in School) by Prof. Larry Schweikart Over the last forty years, history textbooks have become more and more politically correct and distorted about our country’s past, argues professor Larry Schweikart. The result, he says, is that students graduate from high school and even college with twisted beliefs about economics, foreign policy, war, religion, race relations, and many other subjects. As he did in his popular A Patriot’s History of the United States, Professor Schweikart corrects liberal bias by rediscovering facts that were once widely known.
  22. No, like the ones NY state makes kids read.
  23. Get out a new edition of a public school US History text and read it. It's attitudes like that that encourage the indoctrination and dumbing down of American public school children.
  24. That's good. But anything that makes hunters better marksmen so they wound less game is a good thing also.
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