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LI Joe

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About LI Joe

  • Birthday 05/29/1974

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  • Hunting Location
    Region 1 and 4

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  1. I have a MLB sneakbox upstate. I picked it up off a guy on duckboats.net he didn't say he didn't have papers it and the trailet till I was in Vermont picking it up. I haven't had the extra cash to jump through the hoops registering it as home built. Fins you mounted my 6 pointer last year. Everyone loves the mount.
  2. There is a good mix of terrain, ravines, cliffs, hills, and creek bed.
  3. I have 3 1/2 inch hevi-shot in #2 that I don't like for goose thought I'd load up with that. I stick to xpert 3" 4 shot for goose now. I have better patterns with that.
  4. I've started to target coyotes on my property the last few years, but I'm not sure which would be the best way to hunt them. Last year I was out with some friends and we set up in fallen timber with 2 electronic callers going. We were out for sunrise, sunset, and midnight. I'm going up this weekend and plan on taking my shotgun with 3 1/2 buckshot and my Marlin 336 with .44 leverloution ( shoots great out to 150 yards). I'd love to find their dens and target those areas. Besides tracking them to the dens, what areas do they prefer to use?
  5. I believe I'm in 4r, I'm on the north side of 145. I didn't get out this year, out of 5 guys that were there hunting the season there was 1 small Buck shot. I was the only one with a dmp, wasted my preference points. Hope to fill out archery tags next season, going to put up some stands off the doe trails.
  6. Now that's a great idea for scaring the kids trespassing and camping on my property.
  7. Thanks! It's great to see all the advice shared. I used up my phone battery reading through the site.
  8. Hello everyone. I hunt property near East Durham and state land in the area.
  9. Sorry this is a different one I finally got the article to open. The one I was thinking showed the picture of a kid holding a Tom he bagged on the LI youth hunt.
  10. Sorry this is a different one I finally got the article to open. The one I was thinking showed the picture of a kid holding a Tom he bagged on the LI youth hunt.
  11. If I remember correctly this article had my neighbor's grandson in it. I saw that Newsday had the negitative comments in print but left the positive ones online. I sent 3 emails to Newsday and included requests to NWTF and the NRA to contact Newsday.
  12. Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to hunting (6 years) although I grew up around family that hunts. I'm looking to meet people in both areas for waterfowl, upland bird and deer hunting. LI is getting tougher to hunt ducks each passing year, I'm restricted to paddling so far so any help there would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Joe
  13. Hi, I'm new to the site and I'm always looking for someone to hunt with. I hunt deer and birds on Long Island (south shore) and near Catskill. I'd definitely be willing to meet up for Turkey and duck hunting upstate. Joe
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