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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Tinlodge

  1. To watch the forum live,go to--->http://www.nysenate.gov/event/2013/may/22/legislative-forum-appropriate-manner-regulate-use-crossbows-hunting-implements-rel
  2. May 8th, 2013 Rick McDermott Gallivan Signature.JPG DJV_Sig_sd049a[1].BMP Ryan Signature.TIF 491 Albion Cross Rd Pulaski, NY 13142 Dear Mr. McDermott, We are writing to invite you to provide comments at a legislative forum on the appropriate manner to regulate the use of crossbows as hunting implements in relation to the proposals included in S. 1699-A, A. 283, and A. 1362. Except for use by the severely disabled, crossbows ceased being legal hunting implements on January 1, 2013. For the two prior years, crossbows were legal hunting implements only during big game firearm seasons. At the same time, many neighboring states have made crossbows legal hunting implements during archery seasons. The purpose of this hearing is to gather input from the sportsman’s community and related interest groups as to how they believe crossbows should be regulated as hunting implements. The hearing will take place in the State Capitol, Room 124, from 10:00-11:30 A.M, on May 22nd. Oral statements will be limited to 5-10 minutes, depending on attendance. Written statements will also be accepted in addition or in lieu of oral statements. Time permitting, we will open the floor to members of the public following invited presenters. Please RSVP by May 20, 2013 to Todd Aldinger who can be reached at [email protected] or 716.907.4076. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Patrick M. Gallivan David J. Valesky Senator 59th District Senator 53rd District Sean Ryan Aileen M. Gunther Member of Assembly, 149th District Member of Assembly, 100th District
  3. Hello, I apologize for the lack of news as of late. Things have been real hectic for the past month. First, I have received word that Assemblyman Sean Ryan is in the process of amending his Bill A283 to be the same as S1699A which recently passed the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and is sitting in the Senate Finance Committee. As for new news, Senators Patrick Gallivan and David Valesky and Assembly members Sean Ryan and Aileen Gunther have set up a forum on the appropriate manner to regulate crossbows into NY as a hunting implement. There are many State Organization Leaders on the invited list of presenters as well as the DEC Commissioner, the CFAB & FWMB Chairmen, leaders of handicapped sportsmen organizations and NY Bow. This meeting is open to the public, although the opportunity for members of the audience to speak will be limited by time and number of attendees. I have attached the invitation that I received for you to read. The meeting is in the Capitol Building Room 124 starting at 10am and is scheduled to run through 11:30. If you can, please come and show your support for NYCC and the expansion of crossbow use in NY for all game, during all seasons where archery equipment is permitted and by all persons. If you can not attend, please send a letter of support to the legislators that have set up this forum. You can find their contact information at http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/ or http://www.nysenate.gov/senators. Are you willing to help NYCC get the word out? We have around 500 members without an email contact. Would you be willing to call 2, 3, 5 or even 10 people when we have an alert so they are informed as to what is going on. If you are willing to make some calls, please reply and let me know if you can help us get the word out. Best Regards, Rick McDermott Crossbow Hearing Invitation.txt
  4. Received word that Senate Bill S1699 is now amended to S1699-A and has been placed on the Senate Environmental Committee Agenda for Tuesday April 16th at 9am. Please contact the members of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee with your support of S.1699-A as soon as possible. If you are a constituent, please let the office know. Also, if you are a current or former bowhunter it is important that you also let them know. We need to let them know that there is a large segment of bowhunters that support crossbow use in all seasons. This is not only a deer and bear issue, it’s a small game issue too. We should be able to hunt turkeys, bowfish and hunt all small game. Avella Tony 518-455-2210 [email protected] Espaillat Adriano 518-455-2041 [email protected] Grisanti Mark 518-455-3240 [email protected] Latimer George 518-455-2031 [email protected] LaValle Kenneth 518-455-3121 [email protected] Little Elizabeth 518-455-2811 [email protected] Marcellino Carl 518-455-2390 [email protected] Maziarz George 518-455-2024 [email protected] O'Mara Thomas 518-455-2091 [email protected] Serrano Jose 518-455-2795 [email protected] Smith Malcolm 518-455-2701 [email protected] Tkaczyk Cecilia 518-455-2470 [email protected] Young Catharine 518-455-3563 [email protected] Next, please call your Senator and ask them for their support and to sign onto S1699-A as a cosponsor. The current cosponsors are: GRIFFO, LANZA, LARKIN, LIBOUS, MARCHIONE, MAZIARZ, O'MARA, SEWARD, VALESKY. If you Senator is on the list, please thank them for their support. Again, let them know if you are a bowhunter. I will let you know when there is a same as companion bill in the Assembly. S1699-A Language
  5. If the crossbow was a legal hunting implement in New York..We would be able to hunt these critters too!
  6. "I know everyone has been waiting for some news from Albany. Well, the environmental conservation budget bill was finalized yesterday. Unfortunately, the Senate part KK which would have authorized DEC to regulate the use of crossbows was not adopted into the final budget. I would like to thank everyone for their efforts, phone calls, emails and letters to their representatives as well as the leadership of both chambers to help with the push. Although disappointed in the end result, I am pleased that we were able to keep this issue alive until the very end. That indicates that everyone's efforts were being heard. The next question everyone has "What does this mean for crossbows in 2013? Is the issue dead?" The answer is NO! Now that we are past the budget, the sponsors of the crossbow bills, Senator Gallivan and Assemblyman Ryan, will be amending their current bills, S1699 and A283. What can you do today? First, please write to the Senate and Assembly leadership and the members that helped keep this alive until the end and thank them for their support. We need to let them know we appreciate their efforts. A thank you today will go a long way when this comes up in committees. Be sure to also write a thank you to your legislators for their support. Second, we need to grow our membership. Tom, Chris and I have been to 3 outdoor shows this year and we continue to be amazed at the number of people that do not know that NYCC exists and that we are fighting for their right to choose. Being grassroots we only grow through word of mouth. Please pass this along to all of your friends, circulate it through your local clubs, talk to your co-workers. If each member could recruit 5 new members we would have over 6,000 people signed onto our cause. Although crossbows were not included in the final budget, the process elevated the discussion and enlightened more Legislators to our position. Let's take advantage of the momentum we have and move forward, grow our numbers, reach out to more legislators and see this through.." Rick
  7. Good Morning, What we need now is for everyone to call the Governor's office and request that crossbows (Senate Part KK) be included in the budget. We are truly down to the wire as this discussions will be concluded today in order to have bills printed in time to pass by Friday. We are so close to having this included but it's not a done deal, your continued support and help is imperative. Please make the call as soon as you can. Time is running out and the negotiations could end at any time. Governor Andrew Cuomo (518) 474-8390. Don't forget, if you are a bowhunter, if you hunt with a crossbow in other states, or if you are a non resident and wish come to NY to use a crossbow, be sure to tell them. We must make sure they understand that there are many bowhunters that support crossbows.
  8. We are starting to be heard and we are gaining support from some down state legislators, but, we need more help. If you have not called the Speaker's or the Majority Leader's offices please do it ASAP. You should also send them an email. If you are a bowhunter, please let them know that. If you are one of the many crossbow owners that hunts in other states to use your crossbow, let them know. If you do not reside in NY and wish to be allowed to come to NY and use your crossbow, make sure you tell them. This is not over, but be aware, those opposed to crossbows are also calling, we must have EVERYONE that supports crossbows call or email so we are heard loud and clear. Sheldon Silver, [email protected]; 518-455-3791 Joseph Morelle [email protected]; 518-455-5373 Again, If you are a bowhunter, or former bowhunter, be sure to let them know. I know many of you have already made the calls or sent the email. Please take the time to do it again. We are too close to let down now. Rick
  9. Budget decisions are are being made as we speak and your voice needs to be heard! IT IS IMPERATIVE EVERYONE CALLS both Speaker Sheldon Silver (518-455-3791) and Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle (518-455-5373) and ask they adopt Senate Budget bill 2608-C Part KK. It is extremely important to call your representative and ask they talk to their leadership, especially if they are in the majority party. This is coming down to the wire and if you truly support crossbows we need you to make these calls. The final budget will most likely be completed by the end of the week. Today may be your last day to speak out on amending the budget to include crossbows. This will not happen on its own, we need EVERYONE to make the calls TODAY. I have included an attachment with the list of all Assembly members contact information if you need to find your representatives phone number. 2013 Assembly_Contacts(1).pdf
  10. growalot:This just provides the DEC the ability to regulate them permanently. It does not add them into archery, small game,bowfishing or big game yet...
  11. The NYS Senate has introduced language into their Encon budget bill that provides funding to DEC for the creation of a crossbow training program and authorizes DEC to establish crossbow use during archery season. What do you think?
  12. It appears there is confusion surrounding the budget initiative. Most of the confusion seems to be within the Assembly. When I sent the original request out I didn't realize the Assembly didn't know this was in the Senate One House Budget Bill so when some of us contacted those on the list they didn't understand what we were asking so here are some tips. When you call or email please be sure to state you are calling to ask the Assembly adopts the language in the Senate Budget bill 2608-C Part KK which would give the DEC authority to regulate crossbow use. By specifically addressing that budget bill number and part letter, this will clarify what you are asking for. I'm told some people have gotten responses from Speaker Silvers office that this is not a "priority" issue. That is the purpose of us making the requests., we need them to make it a priority. We only have 2 more days to really push for this, they will most likely wrap up this part of the budget sometime Thursday so please make the phone calls and send your emails. If you did this and feel you are getting a response back that is not addressing crossbows as a budget item, please resend the email or give them another call and make sure they understand what you are asking of them. Thank you.
  13. ALERT Senate One House proposal, ACTION NEEDED] Hello, I just got back from the Sportsman Show in Hamburg and I wanted to let everyone know the Senate has included the Crossbow language in their budget proposal. It would allow the DEC to regulate crossbow use for all seasons and all game, with the exception of Suffolk and Nassau counties and NYC. Please call and email your Assembly representative Monday or Tuesday and let them know you would ask them to support having the Assembly adopt this language. The budget negotiations are ongoing and they need to hear from everyone asap. Additional members you need to contact are Speaker Sheldon Silver and Majority Leader Joseph Morelle as well as Assemblyman Sean Ryan, and Assemblywomen Aileen M. Gunther and Donna A. Lupardo. Please take the time to make this important call. You can read the bill language below. Additional information will be forthcoming as things progress. Best Regards, Rick McDermott New York Crossbow Coalition www.nycrossbowcoalition.com Senate bill 2608-C PART KK 13 Section 1. Subdivision 25 of section 11-0103 of the environmental 14 conservation law, as amended by chapter 595 of the laws of 1984, is 15 amended to read as follows: 16 25. "Hunting accident" means the injury to or death of a person caused 17 by the discharge of a firearm, crossbow, or longbow while the person 18 causing such injury or death, or the person injured or killed, is taking 19 or attempting to take game, wildlife or fish. 20 § 2. Section 11-0713 of the environmental conservation law is amended 21 by adding a new subdivision 6 to read as follows: 22 6. The department shall adopt regulations for training in the safe use 23 of hunting with a crossbow and responsible hunting practices. Such 24 training shall be included in the basic hunter education course required 25 of all new hunters. Upon completion of the training by an individual the 26 department shall provide documentation of the successful completion of 27 the course. All persons who have completed hunter education prior to the 28 date which crossbow training has been incorporated into the hunter 29 education program shall complete an online or other training program 30 approved by the department prior to using a crossbow to hunt big game. 31 The department may adopt rules and regulations as necessary to document 32 completion of this program and may require a person to possess such 33 proof while hunting with a crossbow. 34 § 3. Paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 11-0719 of the environ- 35 mental conservation law, as amended by chapter 176 of the laws of 1987, 36 is amended to read as follows: 37 a. In the circumstances described in paragraph b the department may 38 revoke any license or stamp, of any person, to hunt, fish or trap, 39 defined in section 11-0701 or issued pursuant to any provision of [ 40 ] this article, or it may revoke all of such 41 licenses or stamps. It may also deny such person, for a period not 42 exceeding five years, the privilege of obtaining such license or 43 licenses or stamp or stamps or of hunting, trapping or fishing, anywhere 44 in the state with or without license or stamp, except as provided in 45 subdivision 1 of section 11-0707 or in section 11-0523. It may also 46 require that such person successfully complete a department-sponsored 47 course and obtain a certificate of qualification in responsible hunting, 48 [] crossbow hunting, bowhunting or [] trapping 49 practices before being issued another license. 50 § 4. Subparagraph 4 of paragraph b of subdivision 1 of section 11-0719 51 of the environmental conservation law, as amended by chapter 436 of the 52 laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows: 53 (4) is convicted of an offense involving a violation of subdivisions 54 one and two of section 11-0901 of this article relating to taking of S. 2608--C 120 1 wildlife when the person taking is in or on a motor vehicle while such 2 motor vehicle is on a public highway or an offense involving a violation 3 of subdivision one of section 11-0901 of this article and subparagraph 4 one of paragraph a of subdivision four of section 11-0931 of this arti- 5 cle relating to taking wildlife when the person taking is in or on a 6 motor vehicle and discharging a firearm, crossbow, or longbow in such a 7 way that the load or arrow passes over a public highway or a part there- 8 of or signs an acknowledgment of any such violation for the purpose of 9 affecting a settlement by civil compromise or by stipulation. 10 § 5. Subdivision 2 of section 11-0719 of the environmental conserva- 11 tion law, paragraph a as amended by chapter 119 of the laws of 1999, the 12 opening paragraph of paragraph a as amended by section 33 of part F of 13 chapter 82 of the laws of 2002, paragraph b as amended by chapter 269 of 14 the laws of 1975, paragraph c as amended by chapter 176 of the laws of 15 1987, and paragraph d as amended by chapter 595 of the laws of 1984, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 2. a. The department may revoke the licenses, tags, and stamps which 18 authorize the holder to hunt and/or trap wildlife, and may deny the 19 privilege of obtaining such licenses, tags, and stamps and may deny the 20 privileges of hunting and/or trapping with or without a license. 21 (1) of any person who, while engaged in hunting or trapping, 22 (i) causes death or injury to another by discharging a firearm, cross- 23 bow, or longbow, or 24 (ii) so negligently discharges a firearm, crossbow, or longbow as to 25 endanger the life or safety of another, or 26 (iii) so negligently and wantonly discharges a firearm, crossbow, or 27 longbow as to destroy or damage public or private property; or 28 (2) of any agent of the department authorized to issue certificates of 29 qualification in responsible hunting, bowhunting, crossbow hunting, or 30 trapping practices who improperly issues any such certification to a 31 person whom he has not trained, or whom he knows has not satisfactorily 32 completed all of the requirements necessary for such certification. 33 b. Action by the department resulting in the revocation of such 34 license or denial of the privilege to hunt and trap as provided in this 35 subdivision shall be only after a hearing held by the department upon 36 notice to the offender, at which proof of facts indicating the violation 37 is established to the satisfaction of the commissioner or of the hearing 38 officer designated by him and concurred in by the commissioner. Provided 39 that where a person, while hunting, causes death or injury to any person 40 by discharge of a firearm, crossbow, or longbow, the commissioner may, 41 in his discretion, suspend such person's license or licenses to hunt and 42 suspend such person's right to hunt without a license for a period of up 43 to sixty days pending a hearing as provided for in this subdivision. 44 c. In case such discharge of a firearm, crossbow, or longbow causes 45 death or injury to another, the license or licenses shall be revoked and 46 the privilege of obtaining any such license and of hunting or of trap- 47 ping anywhere in the state with or without a license denied, for a peri- 48 od not exceeding ten years, except that no revocation shall be made in 49 cases in which facts established at the hearing indicate to the satis- 50 faction of the commissioner that there was no negligence on the part of 51 the shooter or bowman. In all other cases the license or licenses shall 52 be revoked and the privilege of obtaining such license and of hunting or 53 of trapping anywhere in the state with or without a license denied for a 54 period not exceeding five years. The department may also require that 55 the person causing such death or injury successfully complete a depart- 56 ment-sponsored course and obtain a certificate of qualification in S. 2608--C 121 1 responsible hunting, crossbow hunting, or bowhunting practices before 2 being issued another hunting license. 3 d. Every person injuring himself, herself or another person in a hunt- 4 ing accident, as such term is defined in subdivision 25 of section 5 11-0103 of this chapter, and the investigating law enforcement officer 6 summoned to or arriving at the scene of such accident shall within ten 7 days from the occurrence of such accident file a report of the accident 8 in writing with the department. Every such person or law enforcement 9 officer shall make such other and additional reports as the department 10 shall require. Failure to report such accident as herein provided by 11 the person causing injury or to furnish relevant information required by 12 the department shall be a violation and shall constitute grounds for 13 suspension or revocation of such person's hunting licenses and denial of 14 the privilege of obtaining any such license and of hunting with or with- 15 out a license following a hearing or opportunity to be heard. In addi- 16 tion, the department may temporarily suspend the license of the person 17 failing to report a hunting accident within the period prescribed herein 18 until such report has been filed. In the case of a non-resident, the 19 failure to report an accident as herein provided shall constitute 20 grounds for suspension or revocation of his or her privileges of hunting 21 within this state. The report required by this section shall be made in 22 such form and number as the department may prescribe. 23 § 6. Paragraphs b and c of subdivision 4 of section 11-0901 of the 24 environmental conservation law, as amended by chapter 600 of the laws of 25 1993, subparagraph 5 of paragraph b and subparagraph 5 of paragraph c as 26 amended by chapter 430 of the laws of 2000, are amended to read as 27 follows: 28 b. No person shall hunt deer: 29 (1) with the aid of a dog, or aircraft of any kind; or 30 (2) with the aid of a jacklight, spotlight, headlight or other type of 31 artificial light; or 32 (3) with a pistol, revolver or rifle using rim-fire ammunition; or 33 (4) with a shotgun of less than twenty gauge or loaded with shells 34 other than shells each carrying a single round ball or a single slug, 35 provided however, the use of a shotgun of twenty gauge or larger having 36 a rifled barrel or a smooth bore barrel fitted with a rifled choke, 37 loaded with shells each carrying a single round ball or a single slug, 38 shall not be prohibited so long as only shells having a non-metallic 39 case, except for the base, are used; or 40 (5) with [] a long bow with a draw weight [] 41 of less than thirty-five pounds; or 42 (6) with an arrow or bolt with an arrowhead that measures less than 43 seven-eighths of an inch at its widest point or that has fewer than two 44 sharp cutting edges; or 45 (7) with the aid of a pre-established bait pile other than those areas 46 established by standard agricultural production practices; or 47 ( with an arrow or bolt with a barbed broadhead arrowhead. 48 c. No person shall hunt bear: 49 (1) with the aid of a dog, or aircraft of any kind; or 50 (2) with the aid of a jacklight, spotlight, headlight or other type of 51 artificial light; or 52 (3) with a pistol, revolver or rifle using rim-fire ammunition; or 53 (4) with a shotgun of less than twenty gauge or loaded with shells 54 other than shells each carrying a single round ball or a single slug, 55 provided however, the use of a shotgun of twenty gauge or larger having 56 a rifled barrel or a smooth bore barrel fitted with a rifled choke, S. 2608--C 122 1 loaded with shells each carrying a single round ball or a single slug, 2 shall not be prohibited so long as only shells having a non-metallic 3 case, except for the base, are used; or 4 (5) with [] a long bow with a draw weight [] 5 of less than thirty-five pounds; or 6 (6) with an arrow or bolt with an arrowhead that measures less than 7 seven-eighths of an inch at its widest point or that has fewer than two 8 sharp cutting edges; or 9 (7) with the aid of a pre-established bait pile other than those areas 10 established by standard agricultural production practices; or 11 ( with an arrow or bolt with a barbed broadhead arrowhead. 12 § 7. Paragraph d of subdivision 4 of section 11-0901 of the environ- 13 mental conservation law, as amended by chapter 600 of the laws of 1993, 14 is amended to read as follows: 15 d. The use upon land inhabited by deer or bear of a jacklight, spot- 16 light or other type of artificial light by any person who is or is 17 accompanied by a person who is in possession, at the time of such use, 18 of a long bow, a crossbow or firearm of any kind, shall be presumptive 19 evidence that such person is hunting deer or bear with the aid of such 20 light, in violation of this subdivision, unless: 21 (1) such long bow is unstrung, or such a firearm or crossbow is taken 22 down, or securely fastened in a case, or locked in the trunk of a vehi- 23 cle, or 24 (2) the firearm is a pistol or revolver, or 25 (3) the firearm is not in or on a motor vehicle and is a rifle 26 designed or adapted for use of rim-fire ammunition and neither the 27 person in possession of the gun, nor any member of his party, has in his 28 possession any twenty-two caliber ammunition other than twenty-two cali- 29 ber rim-fire ammunition, or 30 (4) the firearm is not in or on a motor vehicle and is a shotgun and 31 neither the person in possession of the gun, nor any member of his 32 party, has in his possession ammunition other than shells loaded with 33 scatter shot of size number four or smaller. 34 § 8. Section 11-0901 of the environmental conservation law is amended 35 by adding a new subdivision 17 to read as follows: 36 17. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this article, the 37 department may, by regulation, authorize the taking of wildlife by the 38 use of a crossbow by any licensed person in any open season, except the 39 use of crossbows shall not be permitted in cities of one million or more 40 or the counties of Nassau and Suffolk. 41 § 9. Subdivision 2 of section 11-0931 of the environmental conserva- 42 tion law, as amended by section 7 of part H of chapter 58 of the laws of 43 2012, is amended to read as follows: 44 2. No firearm or crossbow except a pistol or revolver shall be carried 45 or possessed in or on a motor vehicle unless it is unloaded, for a 46 firearm in both the chamber and the magazine, except that a loaded 47 firearm which may be legally used for taking migratory game birds may be 48 carried or possessed in a motorboat while being legally used in hunting 49 migratory game birds, and no person except a law enforcement officer in 50 the performance of his official duties shall, while in or on a motor 51 vehicle, use a jacklight, spotlight or other artificial light upon lands 52 inhabited by deer if he is in possession or is accompanied by a person 53 who is in possession, at the time of such use, of a longbow, crossbow or 54 a firearm of any kind except a pistol or revolver, unless such longbow 55 is unstrung or such firearm or crossbow is taken down or securely 56 fastened in a case or locked in the trunk of the vehicle. For purposes S. 2608--C 123 1 of this subdivision, motor vehicle shall mean every vehicle or other 2 device operated by any power other than muscle power, and which shall 3 include but not be limited to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trac- 4 tors, trailers and motorboats, snowmobiles and snowtravelers, whether 5 operated on or off public highways. Notwithstanding the provisions of 6 this subdivision, the department may issue a permit to any person who is 7 non-ambulatory, except with the use of a mechanized aid, to possess a 8 loaded firearm in or on a motor vehicle as defined in this section, 9 subject to such restrictions as the department may deem necessary in the 10 interest of public safety. Nothing in this section permits the 11 possession of a pistol or a revolver contrary to the penal law. 12 § 10. Subdivision 4 of section 11-0931 of the environmental conserva- 13 tion law, subparagraph 3 of paragraph a as added by chapter 400 of the 14 laws of 1973 and subparagraph 4 of paragraph a as added by chapter 67 of 15 the laws of 1976, is amended to read as follows: 16 4. a. No person shall: 17 (1) discharge a firearm, crossbow or long bow in such a way as will 18 result in the load, bolt or arrow thereof passing over a public highway 19 or any part thereof; 20 (2) discharge a firearm, crossbow or long bow within five hundred feet 21 from a dwelling house, farm building or farm structure actually occupied 22 or used, school building, school playground, or occupied factory or 23 church; 24 (3) use a firearm, crossbow or a long bow for the hunting of migratory 25 game birds in Larchmont Harbor, specifically those portions bounded by 26 the following points of land: 27 BEGINNING AT A POINT KNOWN AS UMBRELLA POINT ON THE EAST SHORE OF 28 LARCHMONT HARBOR THEN PROCEEDING IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION TO CEDAR 29 ISLAND; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY TO MONROE INLET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY TO 30 DELANCY COVE BEING IN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK; THENCE IN A SOUTHWESTERLY 31 DIRECTION FROM DELANCY COVE TO GREACEN POINT; THENCE RUNNING THE AREA 32 BETWEEN DELANCY COVE AND THE WEST SHORE OF SATANS TOE NORTHEAST; THENCE 33 SOUTHEAST THEN ALONG THE WEST SHORE OF SATANS TOE SOUTHWEST AND THEN 34 SOUTH TO THE SOUTHERLY POINT OF SATANS TOE TO EDGEWATER POINT. 35 (4) Use of a firearm, crossbow or a long bow for the hunting of migra- 36 tory game birds in Udall's Cove, specifically those portions of Little 37 Neck Bay within Nassau and Queens counties lying east of a line running 38 north from the foot of Douglaston Parkway to the shore opposite. 39 b. The prohibitions contained in subparagraph 2 of paragraph a above 40 shall not apply to: 41 (1) The owner or lessee of the dwelling house, or members of his imme- 42 diate family actually residing therein, or a person in his employ, or 43 the guest of the owner or lessee of the dwelling house acting with the 44 consent of said owner or lessee, provided however, that nothing herein 45 shall be deemed to authorize such persons to discharge a firearm, cross- 46 bow or longbow within five hundred feet of any other dwelling house, or 47 a farm building or farm structure actually occupied or used, or a school 48 building or playground or occupied factory or church; 49 (2) Programs conducted by public schools offering instruction and 50 training in the use of firearms, crossbow or long bow; 51 (3) The authorized use of a pistol, rifle or target range regularly 52 operated and maintained by a police department or other law enforcement 53 agency or by any duly organized membership corporation; 54 (4) The discharge of a shotgun over water by a person hunting migrato- 55 ry game birds if no dwelling house or public structure, livestock or S. 2608--C 124 1 person is situated in the line of discharge less than five hundred feet 2 from the point of discharge. 3 § 11. Paragraph c of subdivision 5 of section 11-0931 of the environ- 4 mental conservation law, as amended by chapter 309 of the laws of 2006, 5 is amended to read as follows: 6 c. In the Northern Zone no person, while engaged in hunting with the 7 aid of a dog or while afield accompanied by a dog, shall possess a rifle 8 larger than .22 caliber using rim-fire ammunition or possess a shotgun 9 loaded with a slug, ball or buckshot, or possess a crossbow; but this 10 paragraph does not apply to persons, engaged in coyote hunts with dogs 11 during any open season on coyotes established pursuant to the provisions 12 of section 11-0903. 13 § 12. This act shall take effect immediately.
  14. Is that the one in Cleveland,OH?
  15. Welcome to the WNY Outdoor and Travel Show! sportandtravelexpo.com Join us at the WNY Outdoor and Travel show as an attendee, exhibitor or Entertainer http://www.sportandtravelexpo.com/WNY/Default.aspx We will be raffling a Horton Havoc 175 Crossbow package to one of our 2013 Full Members on Sunday March 10th. The drawing will be held at the WNY Outdoor and Travel Show. Want a chance to win, join or renew you full membership by 5 pm March 10th and you will be entered in the drawing. Your already are a 2013 full member? You are already entered in the drawing! Horton Havoc 175 Reverse Draw Design 13” Power Stroke 320 FPS 4X32 Mult-A-Range Scope Quiver Arrows
  16. nyslowhand, Thank you for being on the NYCC e-mail alerts and passing on the information.
  17. Biz-R-OWorld, We got through the senate and Assembly,and all of the committees by June of last year. We have already started to have conversation with legislative members through our lobbyist.
  18. Biz-R-World, We aren't sure if that show will be possible for us. Time constraints and man power is an issue for that time frame. We will be doing the Hamburg show in March...
  19. NYCC will be at the show Hope to see some of you there: http://adkshow.com/
  20. Thank you WNYBuckHunter! when I get updates on the bills I'll be sure to post here
  21. Erie County Bus to Albany for Unite for Our Rights Day. Get your e-ticket today. http://www.scopeny.o...our_rights.html Unite in Albany on February 28th www.scopeny.org
  22. This bill,as in the last...would include small.big game and fishing Where an open season, set forth in the table of open seasons in section 11-0907 or otherwise established by law or fixed by regu lation, is specified as an open season for taking such game by shotgun, CROSSBOW or long bow only, or is specified as an open season for taking such game by long bow only, they shall not be taken except as so speci fied.
  23. Please consider joining the New York State Crossbow Coalition! We need more members and voices to show NY sportsman and our legislators that NY does want and support the legalization of the crossbow during our Archery Seasons. New York Crossbow Coalition (Facebook) www.nycrossbowcoalition.com
  24. SRC ARENA & EVENTS CENTER SYRACUSE<NY JAN.11-13,2013 Fri. 12-8 Sat. 10-7 Sun. 11-6 http://www.newyorksportsmenshow.com/Info.html
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