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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Tinlodge

  1. It does have to go through the Assembly to become law..Yes! it is confusing,even to us! I'm making the call myself today. Sweeneys bill (A10583)will overide!, and a Assemblyman may co-sponcor a "same as" bill to compliment Sweeney's bill, which would eliminate S6747A. Mr. Becker wrote a very strong letter in support of NYCC
  2. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [NYCrossbowCoalition] Flag this message It is much bigger than the Crossbow issue From: "nycc_alert" <[email protected]> Date: Thu, June 14, 2012 6:42 pm To: [email protected] Please read this so you know how politics are working in this State. I, along with a few others, have spent a minimum of 40 hours just since last Thursday on the crossbow legislation with calls, emails and letters. The Senate passed Senator Gallivan's bill (S6747a) Wednesday afternoon. What we now have is one assemblyman (Sweeney) and the NY Bowhunters (with less than 2,000 members) dictating to ~40 sportsmen's organizations who represent thousands of sportsmen in the State that the Ryan bill (A9682) will not be allowed to even be voted on. Sweeney is working with a Senator on a companion bill (to Sweeney's)that will extend the gun/crossbow season 2 years but put handcuffs on the DEC regarding crossbow and archery season regulations and put a stop to the proposed youth deer hunt. Ryan's bill has 40 bipartisan sponsors. This is not a democratic process and we should not sit on our hands and allow it to happen. Sweeney has stated that if his bill (a10583) with no co-sponsors does not pass and he does not get his way crossbow in the gun season dies at the end of this year and will likely never be allowed in the future in any season. Today I wrote and had a letter faxed to the Governor, leaders of the Assembly, the Assistant Secretary for the Environment, Commissioner Martens and several legislators requesting they put A9682 on the floor for a vote. May not make a difference put worth a try. Based on phone discussion with some of these key people they are very much aware of the turbulence around this issue and trying to figure out what to do. You can help them decide. It would be wise if all parties call the Governor's office TOMORROW and respectfully request that A9682 be brought to a vote in the Assembly. If you do not at least try you are indirectly caving in to a dictator style of government that transfers to much more than just sportsmen's legislation. Note there are only four more legislation session days and it is all over. Anyone who gets enjoyment and satisfaction out of wildlife, forests, hunting, fishing and the great outdoors in general should consider it their obligation to give back more than they receive. Please get involved or stay involved and help protect our hunting heritage and sustain our conservation initiatives. It will be your everlasting foot print and legacy! Larry G. Becker Gainesville, NY 14066
  3. It is imperative EVERYONE calls their Assembly Representative TODAY and request they vote no on A10583, the Sweeney Crossbow Extender. This bill is being reported to the floor today and will most likely be acted upon before the end of today's session Yesterday the Senate passed the Gallivan bill, the Sweeney bill will remove authority of the DEC to manage wildlife and is flawed. Please Make the call NOW, don't hesitate. This is coming down to the wire and we must become more engaged than ever before. We are too close to give in now. Thank you, NYCC
  4. ASSEMBLY ENCON vote on Sweeney bill A10583 had 8 nay's, Barclay, Corwin, Finch, Gunther, Hanna, Lupardo, Ryan and Saladino, I do not have the number of yeas as there were a few members not present. The 8 that voted against this need to be thanked for their position. If you live in the district of any of these members, please it is very important that you let them know you appreciate their support. This is moving through the Assembly rules committee today and will be on the Assembly Floor for a vote early next week. We will need their help when the floor vote is taken.
  5. Here is the Senate vote. FLOOR VOTE: - Jun 13, 2012 Ayes (37): Addabbo , Alesi , Avella , Bonacic , Breslin , Carlucci , DeFrancisco , Dilan , Farley , Flanagan , Fuschillo , Gallivan , Griffo , Grisanti , Kennedy , Klein , Lanza , Larkin , Libous , Little , Martins , Maziarz , McDonald , Nozzolio , O'Mara , Parker , Ranzenhofer , Ritchie , Robach , Saland , Savino , Seward , Skelos , Storobin , Valesky , Young , Zeldin Nays (18): Adams , Diaz , Duane , Gianaris , Hassell-Thompson , Johnson , Marcellino , Montgomery , Oppenheimer , Peralta , Perkins , Rivera , Sampson , Serrano , Smith , Squadron , Stavisky , Stewart-Cousins Absent (5): Ball , Espaillat , Golden , Hannon , LaValle Excused (2): Huntley , Krueger
  6. It did pass!, we now have to get it into the Assembly " I made the trip to Albany today for the Assembly EnCon meeting. There was discussion on this in the committee but to no avail. The vote to report A10583 had only 8 no votes. This bill will be available on the assembly floor for a vote starting next Monday. There will be 4 days left in the session. When the meeting was over we got word that the Gallivan Bill S6747A was on the active list in the Senate. We went to the Senate chamber and watched the debate and vote. The bill passed 37 – 18. Now we have to regroup on the Assembly. At this point we are working to get A9682 put onto the Assembly floor for a vote. This will be like pushing a rope up a hill, but we are not giving up. Today we are closer than ever to having crossbows legal for all game in all seasons. Please be prepared to act when we put together another alert. At this time we don’t know when that will happen, but everyone needs to be ready when called on." "Also, Please if your Senator voted for the Gallivan bill, please send them a note thanking them for their support, it does go along way when we need them in the future" Rick McDermott
  7. Senate crossbow bill A6747A just passed 37-18
  8. Hello, Tom and I spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in Albany. We attended the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee meeting and witnessed the crossbow bill (S6747A) get reported from the committee. We spent the rest of the day and Wednesday meeting with around 30 legislators or staff members in their offices or outside the Assembly and Senate chambers. I’m happy to report we were successful in gaining additional cosponsors in the Senate and Assembly. Time is running out. With only 2 weeks (or 8 session days) left in this year’s session, we are hopeful S6747A will come for a floor vote soon, but we still have no movement on the crossbow bill (A9682) in the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. Despite all the work and efforts everyone has done, we have not been able to get the EnCon Chairman Robert Sweeney to put A9682 on the committee agenda. Instead, Chairman Sweeney introduced a different bill (A10583) which will extend, for 2 years, most of the present law limiting crossbow use in firearms seasons only, and also adding a new section that will prevent the DEC from enacting any regulation that would allow the use of firearms, muzzleloaders, or crossbows, before or during archery seasons. Sweeney’s bill would also limit youth hunting days during archery season to youth archery days only. So, time is running out. WE ALL must act. Everyone must again RESPECTFULLY write and call Chairman Sweeney asking that he place A9682 on a committee agenda and that he withdraw A10583. You also need to contact your Senator asking they support S6467A and your Assemblymember asking they support A9682 and oppose A10583. The people that influence a legislator most are the voters from their district, the more they hear from their constituents on an issue the stronger their position becomes. Additional Assembly leadership that should be contacted in support of A9682 is Speaker Silver, Majority Leader Canestrari, and Minority Leader Kolb. In the Senate, please contact Senate Majority Leader Skelos in support of S6747A. We are prepared to make another trip to Albany if necessary, but Tom, Chris and I cannot make this happen without your help. We have said all along, numbers matter. It is time for our final push. We are closer than ever to getting crossbows legalized once and for all. Please take the time and make the phone calls and write the letters and emails. Even if you have contacted your legislator previously, it is important that you do it again. Most importantly, please be respectful when writing or calling. Together WE WILL Succeed Rick McDermott New York Crossbow Coalition Assemblyman Robert Sweeney [email protected] 631-957-2087 Speaker Silver [email protected] 212-312-1420 Majority Leader Canestrari [email protected] 518-455-4474 Minority Leader Kolb [email protected] 315-781-2030 Senate Majority Leader Skelos [email protected] (516) 766-8383 Sweeney has moved his extender bill A10583 onto the EnCon agenda for Wednesday, it is imperative everyone calls the Assembly EnCon members in opposition to this http://assembly.state.ny.us/comm/?sec=mem&id=15 New York State Assembly - Committees, Commissions, and Task Forces assembly.state.ny.us New York State Assembly - Committees, Commissions, and Task Forces assembly.state.ny.us Hello.doc
  9. Tuesday May 15th New York Crossbow Coalition in conjunction with NY 4H Shooting Sports and NYS Rifle and Pistol Association will be hosting a Crossbow Demonstration and Town Hall Meeting at the 4H Training Center, 556 Middleline Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020. The demonstration is scheduled to start at 4pm with the meeting beginning at 6pm. Try a crossbow at the demonstration, and join the discussion with DEC officials and Legislators on the proposed legislation to authorize the DEC regulatory authority for crossbow use. We hope to see you there.Town Hall Flyer 5-15-1.pdf
  10. Ballston Spa has the 4-H Shooting Training Center, is in close proximity for the Legislators to come and experience handling and shooting the crossbow. We welcome any group or club to offer to sponsor a meeting. Central and WNY Chapter of Safari Club International, Michael’s Banquet Facility, 4885 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, 7p.m., Wednesday. Assemblyman Sean Ryan will discuss “Pending Legislation to Legalize the Crossbow in all Hunting Seasons.”
  11. There is a Crossbow Demonstration and Town Hall Meeting Scheduled for may 15th at the 4H Shooting Sports Center, 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa. Demo begins at 4pm with the meeting beginning at 6pm. We hope to see you there.
  12. Town Hall Meeting April 27th The Town Hall Meeting went well Friday evening, although attendance was less than we had hoped for, those in attendance were very supportive. We had one gentleman come from Tonawanda, a few came from the Rochester area, the Finger Lakes and the Utica area. Assemblyman Donald Miller, a co-sponsor of A9682 spoke of the importance in writing the legislators, especially the leadership, Democrats and Republicans, the Chairs of the Environmental Conservation Committees and the Governor. It is also important that you write and make the effort to visit your legislator’s district office and let them know your position on the crossbow issue. Mike Backus attended on behalf of the Assembly Minority Leader, Brian Kolb as well as Terry Wilbur who represented Assemblymen Will Barclay and Bob Oaks. Bureau of Wildlife Chief Biologist Gordon Batcheller attended and spoke on behalf of the DEC. The DEC position is anything that helps put people in the field enjoying a day of hunting is good for the sporting community in general and is what all sportsmen and women should be promoting. The DEC fully supports the expansion of crossbow use for everyone in all seasons archery equipment is permitted. I gave a short PowerPoint presentation on the sportsmen’s position on Crossbows based on among other things the Cornell Studies released in 2000 and 2011. The conclusion from the 2011 study states: “A majority of hunters – regardless of whether they currently hunt with a bow – support legalization of crossbows and their use during any season when bows currently can be used” The PowerPoint can be viewed from nycrossbowcoalition.com Another meeting is scheduled for May 15, 2012 at the 4H Shooting Sports Center, 50 West High Street, Ballston Spa NY. There will be a crossbow demonstration at 4pm followed by a meeting at 6. There will be refreshments available. This event is co-sponsored by the NYS 4H Shooting sports Program, New York Crossbow Coalition and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. I wish to thank our special guests, Assemblyman Donald Miller, Gordon Batcheller, Mike Backus and Terry Wilbur for taking the time to come and speak and listen to the input from the audience. Thank you to everyone that attended and especially the Crossroads Auction Service for allowing us to use their facilities. I also would like to thank those who contacted me that were unable to attend due to other commitments and expressed their regrets for not being able to attend, although you were unable to attend it was good to hear from you and that you support the crossbow effort. Rick McDermott, President NYCC
  13. The above number is the President of SCI, WNY Chapter This article was posted in The Buffalo Evening News today in the calendar/events section,Sports section
  14. Central and WNY Chapter of Safari Club International, Michael’s Banquet Facility, 4885 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, 7p.m., Wednesday. Assemblyman Sean Ryan will discuss “Pending Legislation to Legalize the Crossbow in all Hunting Seasons.” Call 652-9460.
  15. I want to thank everyone that came out to our "Town Hall' meeting. It was my pleasure to meet present and future members of NYCC
  16. Thank you for the info. It will be discussed with the other BOD this weekend.
  17. http://www.wilsonconservationclub.com/ will be having a crossbow demonstration on June 2nd. Do you have details of the Region 8 Hunting and Fishing days? NYCC has attended several sport shows(Hamburg,NY), S&S Sportmens show(Springville), Little Valley Gun Show in Region 9 SCI monthly meeting(Hamburg) will be an open meeting on May 2nd, with guest speakers Senator Gallivan, and Asssemblyman Ryan(sponsors of the crossbow bil S6747A, and A9682) As notices of up and coming events reach us, we attempt to make our presence known. These events require members and supporters to assist in getting the word out about NYCC.
  18. The last meeting held concerning crossbows was on January 26th at the Allied Sportmen Club in Erie County. We are not trying to eliminate any part or portion of the NYS crossbow supporters.however it was felt that a central location would serve the crossbow concerns well. As a grass roots coalition, we welcome members and supporters for input. WNY BuckHunter, Are you a member of an organization that would care to have a "Town Hall" meeting? We have two more meeting planned,unfortunately this will be the closest to your location.The legislative calendar lists June 21 as the last day of the session,so the time element to set up meetings are at a very narrow window. You may want to concider the other options such as car pooling. I do hope you can find a way to attend NYCC meeting, and I look forward to meeting you.
  19. So far we aren't hearing from very many of our supporters about Friday's Town Hall meeting. Are you planning on attending? Please let us know. [email protected] We can use a couple of volunteers to help with a table. We will have petitions, membership applications and raffle tickets and could use a couple people to help staff it. I hope to see many of you Friday.
  20. We planning 2 more, unfortunately this will be the closest one to you. I wish we had the time to set up more, but unfortunately this is all we can do right now.
  21. I believe MY reason would be a matter of choice. I would like to see that everyone has the choice in the manner of hunting devices, without discrimination. Second, would be education. Educate the sportsmen/women that we all need to unite together, and to become one strong community .
  22. We will try to keep everyone informed on our progress Together We Will Succeed
  23. Sounds like a great idea, long overdue. Thanks Bubba
  24. The New York Crossbow Coalition is hosting a Town Hall meeting for the Sporting Community, State Legislators and DEC officials at the Crossroads Auction House, 988 Co Rt 37, Central Square NY 13036, 6pm April 27th, to discuss the sporting and recreational uses of crossbows in New York. All Sportsmen and Women are invited to attend and express their views on expanding crossbow use directly with legislators from around Central NY and DEC Officials. Bills S6747A and A9682 are presently in their respective Environmental Conservation Committees awaiting action. These bills would grant regulatory authority for crossbow use to the biologists and game managers within the DEC, thus allowing the expansion of crossbow use during any season or area where archery equipment is permitted if deemed appropriate. These bills will allow not only increased deer hunting opportunities, but will allow crossbows to be used for small game, turkey, bowfishing and even varmint hunting. Direction to the Crossroads Auction House can be found at the following link crossroadsauction.net/Directions.html New York Crossbow Coalition will have a 15 minute presentation on Crossbows, New York Bowhunters Inc has been invited and will be given 15 minutes to present their position on crossbows. Gordon Batcheller, DEC Wildlife Bureau Chief will have 15 minutes to present the DEC's crossbow position. The floor will then be open for questions from the audience. In order to allow for as much interaction as possible, there will be a time limit for each question or comments based on the number of attendees. Finally legislators will have an opportunity to address the audience prior to ending the meeting. For additional questions or comments please email [email protected]
  25. Where is the talk of ,your term,xgun, being talked about as a recruitment tool?
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