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T/O Wappinger, Dutchess County
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All over North America
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Ruger #3 in 45-70
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Newbie (1/14)
Well, I haven't really made up my mind as yet, but it is down to two. It will either be my T/C percussion .58 with a Three Rivers 500 gr. Minie Ball in front of 65 gr. 2F Goex, or my Miroku Brown Bess flint musket with a patched .735 round ball in front of 90 gr. 2F Goex. Either way, anything within 40 yards is in a heap of trouble.
Surgeon is a fellow hunter. He feels as bad about this as I do. Feeling is that if I should strain myself, in the wrong way, I could re-tear the repair and be back to square 1. After the pain I went through before the surgery, and the "discomfort" I am going through now, the last thing I want to do is re-injure myself. As it is now, I am on pain meds 3 times a day, and I don't want to have to go through this crap again. I'll wait for M/L season. Thanks for the good wishes.
Well, my Deer season just got tossed down the dumper. Had severe pain in groin, went to doctor, and was told that I had a hernia that required immediate intervention. Surgery done on Friday, and I was told to stay out of the woods for 4 - 5 weeks. Talk about things going wrong at exactly the worst time. Anyway, good luck to all you guys. I'll be sitting this one out. Will try for M/L season anyway.
For whatever it's worth, I don't mount deer, I eat them. Every deer I take reduces my annual meat bill. Antler restrictions are only for the benefit of "trophy" hunters. NY is trying to bring in more non-residents to pay big bucks to hunt big racks. As far as I am concerned, antler stew tastes like crap, and this antler restriction nonsense is stupid. Just my opinion, and I will not change my mind.
"Unsportsmanlike Conduct" reported to the Board of Directors, and verified, results in immediate dismissal from the club. If game laws have been violated, a report is sent to the D.E.C. for their action. We do not tolerate this type of behavior.
I hunt in the Grahamsville area, and see an average of 6 - 10 deer every day I am in the field. However, as has been said, doe tags are nearly impossible to get. In addition, there is the Antler Restriction problem to deal with. To make a long story short, in the last two years I have seen two (2) legal bucks, and all the other deer I have seen were not legal for me to take. I am really thinking about passing on Sullivan this year, and returning to my old haunts in Dutchess, Broome, and Essex.
If you want to take a real Russian Boar, the place to go is Wild Hill Preserve in Fairlee, Vermont. Check out the website. Bill Richter runs a true class operation, and has about 2700 acres surrounded by one fence. He ain't the cheapest game around, but I think it is well worth the price. Been there three times, and am ready for trip #4.
Check out Paul Ackermann at AckermannArms.com. He has worked on my flinter, and the man is a genius.
Mainly, I use it for Revolutionary War demos at Bear Mountain State Park. Part of the park was the scene of a Rev. War battle. On the other hand, I would have no problem taking out for deer, bear, or boar as long as the range was fairly close. Besses are smooth bore, and with the Bess, anything over 40 yards is beyond what I would call an ethical shot.
T/C Encore in .50 (inline) Never use the thing. Bought it for the action. Pedersoli PA Long Rifle in .50 (flint) T/C Hawken in .50 (percussion) T/C Renegade in .58 (percussion) Brown Bess musket in .75 (flint)
Paul Ackermann ay AckermannArms.com has EVERYTHING you can possibly need for any and all muzzleloaders. His day job is Conservator of firearms at the West Point Museum. If he can't help you, give it up.