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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by HuntOrBeHunted

  1. I think next time im going to put the phone in a plastic sandwich bag and seal it up and put in my back pocket. Should keep it dry if I take a spill. I hope. If I ruin another phone my wife is going to kill me. :lol:

    Yea thats one person you don't want mad at you. And deer season is coming fast gotta keep the old lady on your good side haha!!

  2. Not to sure if it varys, it allmost must just because some people have access to buy theirs now and others can't. Wal-mart is selling them idk if u live near one?

  3. I know me and my buddys will be in the ADK mountians for at least 5 days for a early bear hunt with the bow. Should be fun i'm going to bring the video camera along and try to get some good footage. Good luck on everyone haveing a safe and successful hunt.


  4. I guess you would have to say licenses come out Monday were you live. I alleady have my license and no I don't have a life time license yet. But other than yet i'll be getting ready for early bow season.


  5. I would have filled a tag. I'm sorry if I can take a good legal shot at a 10 point buck I would do so. BUT assuming they were hunting outside of New York and most likely on a deer farm, I to would have done my best to set them free and continue to hunt. Here in NY fighting or not i'm going for a 10 pointer providing the right terms! Don't hate me if you disagree!!


  6. Nope, the cause was "right wing extremism."


    Question: Do Obama, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, the FBI, ICE, BATF, DOJ, DHS, et al. label the Mexican gang violence that permeates and destroys our borders and our inner cities as “domestic terrorism”? Just curious.

    Good question S4L, just like in Detroit last were a women took a pistol on a boat and opened fire. Funny how we don't hear about that. There blowing up the storys that will give them what they need to get on this gun ban mess!

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