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About mark3885

  • Birthday 04/04/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Orchard Park,NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    TC Triumph
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. How stupid can you be???????????????????????? http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wivb.com%2Fdpp%2Fnews%2Fcrime%2Fshots-from-high-powered-rifle-hit-homes&ei=8xRFUeXAH-7l4APElYD4Dg&usg=AFQjCNGXbPp2rW0HdAoOIW0KZa7NR6Q0OA&bvm=bv.43828540,d.dmg&cad=rja
  2. Can a pump shotgun with a pistol grip, extended magazine tube and fore end pistol grip be classified as an assault rifle? From what I've read , only semi-auto guns and 1 feature are considered assault rifles , Nothing is said about pump shotguns.
  3. TC Triumph is all I use , one shot, so it has to count..........
  4. it was forwarded to my phone with just arcade ny as a message
  5. 5 years ago a local jacked a 160 buck off my hay field on nov.7.Which is bow season. I was told about it by a few nieighbors and I know where this person lives. Can't do anything about it about it,its all hear say. He claimed to have shot the deer on opening day of gun season , but a neighbor saw the deer and the hair was already slipping. Well that's only about 10 days of hanging before the gun season.
  6. Bad day here , only saw 1 tail . Sounded like a party in the woods. hooping and hollering monday all the weekend ,fair weather hunters will be gone and time to get back to business. This was by far my worse opening day ever.. But that's what goes on , on public land.
  7. I was going to upgrade to a new bow this year. Like a Matthews, PSE,Hoyt. I was looking to spend up to $1000 to get it tricked out. But now I'm waiting to see whats up with the crossbows . I have $1000 to spend , might go with a new Horton Fury. I'm not getting any younger....................
  8. I here the rut this year, is cancelled due lack of interest
  9. TC Triumph . 50 cal 120 gr pyrodex pellets, 300 gr XTP 3-9x40 Nikon Omega all in APG green
  10. That's great, start them young.That's what my dad did with me and my 3 brothers. Now we can't get enough.What do you mean "its illegal".
  11. Hey Steve 863 , went ouy this morning , kicked up 1 deer walking in . It poured until 930 ,i was wet at 8 , came out and put the doe in the freezer that I got yesterday. Its been real slow , couple doe and 6pt yesterday , nothing this evening. I have to head home for 2 days to take care of a few loose ends before I leave again for a few more days of bow then gun. Where do you hunt? What I'm seeing or not seeing is about the same as everybody else. I hope things kick in Tuesday ,I need a buck to finish out bow season.
  12. Anything new? Had a spike and a doe come by yesterday about 2pm ,He was not very interested , just ambling along. I took the doe , went out this morning and was wet to the skin by 8am. Time to get the doe in the freezer and out this afternoon.
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