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Jeremy K

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Posts posted by Jeremy K

  1. 21 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    There’s going to be a lot more to explain.   They just said on Fox News that he was arrested four years ago for threatening to shoot up a school when he turned 18 in 2022……holy crap.  

    Why would anybody be ok with more gun laws when the government doesn't adhere to the ones already in place?

    • Like 5
  2. 1 minute ago, Kmartinson said:

    The separation of society based on race, political stance, gender, age, class, sexuality, nationality, and so on, are part of what's fueling many terrible occurrences across the world. We are supposed to be proud of a national identity built on the promise of equality. Labeling a sickness duragatorily based on theoritical origin is clearly adding to segregation not eliminating it. 

    You sure have done your part this week ,how many fights have you started in the turkey hunting thread this week?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Nomad said:

    Spanish flu , Asian flu, West Nile , Ebola and on and on . Now that’s all racist , a word that’s been so deluded down ,that it’s hard for some  take  the label serous anymore . 

    I recall a diversity class years ago, where I was taught it was racist to ask a black co worker ,if he watched the game last night , wtf if I didn’t ask him would that also be racist as I excluded him from normal everyday conversations we have ? 


    We have to keep in mind we are dealing with people who let the media do the thinking for them . 

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Chef said:

    So not being a ignorant bigot makes someone a beta? Good to know

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    Nobody is being a bigot ,that's the point . You beta males get worked up over the littlest stuff. I'd love to know what sets it off so I can make sure my kids avoid what ever it is that turns people into that during childhood.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 minute ago, Chef said:

    We are all adults and it has a name. What would you call it if it originated here? It’s funny how the same people who think it’s not a big deal like to give it a racially charged name for no reason?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's a country ,there is plenty of racial slang terms for every country in the world ,none of which are being used. This is the name of the country ,a bug is also synonymous with getting Ill.  I swear ,I never knew there was so many beta males in the hunting ranks.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Kmartinson said:

    I understand wr are all frustrated at the way this has been handled and how much our lives have been affected, but your lack of intelligence and compassion in your need to call it the "chinabug" is pretty apparent.  My guess is it's your fundamental development and upbringing. I also suppose your passing this ignorance on to your children. Keep up the good work dad!!!

    If it had originated in a different country then we would call it that . 

    • Like 1
  7. 42 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Another point that I just thought of this Administration has been saying they've been targeting white supremacist making it a priority but yet they let this guy slip through the cracks ? Think about it . So they couldn't even get that right .


    This administration has not completed a single task properly since day 1 . That is just a fact that can not be argued.

    • Like 4
  8. 18 hours ago, Skillet said:

      To those asking what has happened in this country, and the whole world, I believe there is a simple answer. One that many are afraid to actually think of, so they laugh it away.

    I think as a people, we have accepted evil as good, and have turned all that was good into something to look down upon, or scoff at.

    Morals and ethics are publicly ridiculed.

    Family and relationships are no longer bonded by love and respect for God, or one another.

    Life is not valued.

    Hard work doesn't mean anything to people who are handed everything.

    Patriotism lands you on a watch list. 

    The church is openly mocked, and satan embraced. 

    Crime, sex & drugs all glorified by music, TV, etc.

    I truly believe we are in an irreversible moral decay, and heading into the biblical end times. 

    I am a Christian, and thankful to be.

    Say what you will. I don't care. 

    I'll continue trust in what I believe to be true, while we wait for all the experts tell us what's really going wrong out there.

    I think the church gave themselves a big enough black eye all on their own . How many children's lives have they destroyed only to be covered up . It's disgusting and needs to be treated as such.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Chef said:

    I think it would be horrible and he would be trying to find a way to get him self a 3rd and then a 4th term he would never go quietly

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    3rd and 4th term talk makes you sound like a typical NYC voter. You specifically made the argument that covid deaths were Trumps fault and why you couldn't vote for him,the guy you voted for now has 3x the number of deaths under his watch. Just man up and admit you picked the wrong team.

    • Like 4
  10. 21 minutes ago, Chef said:

    So the markets knew Trump would loose? So the only one who didn’t get the memo was Trump? Heck I think him and even some of you guys still thick he won?

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    Just think of how much better off the country would be if he was in a second term.

    • Like 8
  11. 11 minutes ago, mlammerhirt said:

    Didn't it start when he got out of the store once he parked his car and got out.....killed the first 3 or 4 people he encountered.

    Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk

    It started with him driving up to the front of the store and getting out of the car.

  12. I just watched the video he made during the shooting . Those people had no chance ,he moved very swiftly and was very accurate . Thankfully the version I was sent was very grainy ,I really didn't need tonsee that but it opened my eyes to what could happen when dealing with mentally ill people. 

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