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Everything posted by TheMiz54

  1. After taking everyones input this is what I think I want to do on the property..... Lime Green Line= White Spruce. Norweigan Spruce Blue LIne= Egyptian Wheat Line Yellow Line= Line of Corn Yellow Polygon= Corn Green Polygon= Clover/Chicory Orange Polygon= Brassicas/ Winter Green Let me know what you guys think and if you would add/change anything.
  2. Anyone have any experience with them? http://www.fingerlakesfoodplots.com/
  3. The road to the north is a seasonal road so not much activity. WHat type of cover would you recommend to plant as a screen?
  4. So this is what I was thinking. The area for my plot is about 7 acres and I was thinking of doing a combo of corn, clover, chick magnet, and possibly soybeans. Let me know what you think and if you have any other suggestions for the layout of the plots. The smaller chick plot is an established food plot that has had clover planted in the past. Thanks
  5. Hi I am wondering how much people charge to plant corn for someone. I don't have any equipment yet and I am wondering how much one would pay for a corn plot per acre. I have about 7 tillable acres that has had corn grown on it before. A per acre estimate in cost is what I am looking for. I can provide all the seed and I am just looking for a rate people charge to till and plant per acre. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Anyone ever hunt in the Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area? I am planning on doing some Steelhead fly fishing with my dad in November but would also like to get some hunting in. I am interested in finding out if anyone hunts there and how busy does it get during gun season? Thanks
  7. Interested if its still for sale sent you a PM
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