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Everything posted by TheMiz54

  1. Beautiful Morning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm in their swamp bedroom Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hunting in Virginia this morning. I found a great rub line leading to a bedding area. First time in this area going to sit for a few more hours. Hope Mr. Big decides to roll through. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Made it up to camp over Columbus Weekend. The food plot we planted took really well so I was impressed with my first attempt at a food plot. We mixed whitetail institute bowstand and some ladino clover and winter rye.
  5. Was wondering if it's too late for a throw and now of WR into a old hay field? It looks like we should still have temps in the 70s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. WNY looks like u have a great place how much land do you own?
  7. Nice they should be on the move now for the next few weeks
  8. 17" Ranger Pac Boots with a Removable Liner I actually just order a pair last night and will most likely get a pair for my old man if he likes them as well. Its hard to find these anymore you use to be able to get them at Tractor Supply but I found one online company that still sells them. http://www.hanksclothing.com/ranger_removable_liner_all_rubber_17_inch_pac_boot_buy.html
  9. Delorme PN60 all the way. Better mapping software than Garmin in my opinion.
  10. Thats what I noticed as well. The G3 looks different but could be camera angle I dunno
  11. That little kicker on the G2 is gonna be a huge deduction.
  12. Not the best photo but let me know if you guys think if they are the same deer or similar genes?
  13. Heading down to the cabin in the am. I took the whole week off it is gonna be great I can't wait. I had over 300 trailcam pics in the last 2 weeks. They are starting to move during daylight hours a little bit more. I hope I get something this week. Wish me luck
  14. He looks like an 8pt. He has a huge body on him, how old do you guys think he is? A few more from this week.....
  15. It depends how close the power access is from the cabin. It can cost $2000-$10,000 depending on if they have to run the line a long ways. If your buddy is an electrician I am sure he can hook you up. You are going to need a electric box and then have everything run into the cabin. We got lucky with our place as it has a dug well and pump and electricity but it does not have a septic tank which we will most likely get in the future. We also have a pole that was put in with a light source that we pay extra for for a little more security and to be able to see outside at night its a big help. I think our set up cost closer to $10,000 because they had to put in a light pole and run the line from the nearest power lines.
  16. lol Yeah I might be snoring the deer right out of the county. hahahaha
  17. Heading up to the cabin tonight after work from Virginia, should get there by midnight. I plan on hunting in the am and might not even go to bed just head straight for the treestand at 1am after hanging out with the old man who is meeting up with me.
  18. TheMiz54

    2011 Buck

    He is my biggest buck to date. I never measured him what do you think he would score? Also for all the Taxidermy guys out there. Did my guy do a good job? I think it looks good but I think he did a much better job on my duck?
  19. Yeah it would be great to see him next year. I don't know if I would be able to pass on him if he walked out in front of me during bow.
  20. Good luck I hope you can put your hand on him in the am. I would not be able to sleep tonight
  21. I have had my new trailcamera out for the entire month of September and got about 160 pictures from our new 21 Acre property. I counted about 10-12 different bucks on camera. Most bucks on camera are yearlings to 2.5 years old. My question is about buck to doe ratios on everyones properies and their surrounding areas? It seems with just this small sample size we have a a decent buck to doe ratio. Almost a 2:1 from this small sample size. I know it is only a month of pictures but I wanted to see what everyones opinion about it was and if anyone has kept track of their deer herd and actually been able to get an acurate ratio? Thanks
  22. Not the best shot since we can't see much of the body but how old do you think he is and how would he score? I say 2.5 and about 90 inches.
  23. very cool video. I have never seen this in the field either.
  24. If you are seeing activity on the cam at 0530 I would get in at least an hour to an hour in half before then.
  25. Get in there earlier. Did you bump any deer going in at 5:15?
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