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Everything posted by TheMiz54

  1. Thanks Zem. I am actually heading back up there with the wife for a wedding this weekend but I will get a morning hunt in this Saturday before the wedding on Sunday. Then it's back to northern Virginia.
  2. I am interested in attending the event. What do I need to do to be a Volunteer so I can attend the second session?
  3. Wildcat, I would be happy to take you out. I will be hunting at my Cabin in Steuben county the last week in October (27 October - 2 November). We have 2 small cabins and plenty of room if your interested. We got about 21 acres and there is about 2000 Acres of State Land within walking distance we can scout and walk around. Let me know if you would be available during that week and if you are interested.
  4. Well I figured I would start a hunting journal since we just bought our own little piece of land this past March and it will be the first year hunting there. We have about 21 acres with two small 10x20 cabins that have electric, running watter but no well. Its a nice little place to get away from everything and spend a few days in the woods. We are also within walking distance to State Land which will be nice as well. In the spring my father and I planted 11 Dunston Chestnut trees, 3 Apple trees and 2 Pear trees on the property which are doing well. I also planted 100 Norway Spruce throughout the property which have grown well also. This is the property we have about 6.5 acres of open field and the rest is a mixture of pine and hardwoods. There are a few bedding locations which are overgrown and pretty tall and thick which we plan on leaving alone. There is also a small food plot about 1/16 of an acre that has chicory planted from the previous owner. The big field is a hey field with some really nice clover that was just planted recently and we plan on keeping that and maybe spraying it for weeds next year and doing some frost seeding this spring. I live in Virginia and I try and come up as much as I can. Since I was furloughed I came up this weekend and got to hunt one day and spent a few days with my family. I also got to pull the camera from over a month out in the field and got some great pictures. We have plenty of turkey and deer on the property as well as a few predators. I did get one nice 8pt to show up in front of the camera as well. We have lots of little bucks hanging around, and it seems like we have a pretty good doe to buck ratio which is a great sign. Like I said I got to go out yesterday for the first time this season and I did not see any deer but I had a great time out in the woods. Saw a lot of squirrls, and chipmonks, I heard an Owl and a Hawk which was pretty cool. It was great to be out in the woods. Here are a few photos from the treestand.
  5. I personnaly don't use a quiver cus I have an older McPhearson bow which weighs like 7lb and a quiver would just make it heavier. I nock one arrow and thats what I have. 1 shot and I am done. Once i get a better lighter bow I would get one.
  6. Lots of young bucks and it seems that we have a pretty good buck to doe ratio on our new property. I really like to Covert cam. I placed the cam on an existing food plot. The plot of chicory and rye grass is about an 1/8 or even a 1/16th of an acre but the deer seem to love it. I am contemplating about planting something else in this spot next season. Any suggestions for a late season plot. We have about 6 acres of clover planted near this small kill plot. Thank
  7. Thats an awesome Cat, good luck with SCI I hope it tops 10.
  8. Thats cool character he looks like he has an injury
  9. It looks like their site is down. I wanted to find out what their rates are? Do you know if they are still operating?
  10. TheMiz54


    Grow, How many acres you guys hunt on? I went to school at Alfred University and lov the area part of th reason my father and I bought a camp near there. I use to hunt all of the state land around Alfred palmers pond area and vandermark Forrest. Do you hunt the state land as well around there?
  11. TheMiz54


    Anyone hunt 8X? I will be near the town of Greenwood wanted to see if anyone else hunts around 8X?
  12. I have the UA baselayer but I have been looking to try the merino wool as well. I will be getting a set of the first lite bottoms and the minus 33 top sometime this week. I like the fact that it doesn't stink after a hunt. The UA has kept me warm and I use it for Snowboarding as well
  13. This is my 2011 buck with my Dad. We were hunting a small 40 acre farm in Wayne County and the buck actually passed right by my Dad and he wasn't ready to take the shot then another hunter missed the buck which ended up coming right to my stand. Lucky but this is my biggest buck.
  14. When are they going to get rid of the baiting law in NYS. They sell all of the bait at GM, DICKS and Bass Pro but you cant put it out to get a few pictures of deer. I don't understand it??? Don't allow the stuff to be sold in your state if you don't want people to use it to attract deer. The apples I don't have a problem with. They have already fallen maybe there was a really strong gust of wind and they all rolled into one nice pile right in front of the camera.
  15. Nice looking bucks Phade good luck this year
  16. Guys Guys It's not FALL yeat so let him Enjoy the rest of August in Peace oK. Just cus some of you like the changing colors doesnt mean he is ready for Summer to be over. HAHAHAHA
  17. The gang violance is getting out of control. We need to take all of the vets coming back from war and bring them into the inner cities and get some control of this situation. Provide mentorship programs and training for troubled youth to get them off the streets and doing something productive. Military leadership brought into inner city schools and neighborhoods would go a long way into bringing gang violence down.
  18. I was just about to say I need some pictures... Thanks phade. I am stuck in Virginia and won't be heading to my camp in Greenwood, NY until next Saturday. I can't wait. Gotta get some tree stands set and maybe put in a no till plot if I get the time. I also went to Alfed University, also a big reason why my dad and I bought land down there. I love that area.
  19. REDNECK HOME SECURITY SYSTEM 1. Go to Goodwill and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine. 3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazine. 4. Leave a note on your door that read: Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim and I went for more ammunition. Back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls - they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it, but it was hard to tell from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the cabin. Better wait outside til I get back. Cooter
  20. Hey everyone my management plan for our new property has begun this past weekend. I drove from NOVA 5.5 hrs to our hunting camp in the town of Greenwood last Wednesday and our plan was to plant 50 Spruce trees, 11 Dunstan Chestnuts, 3 Apple, and 2 Pear trees. My dad and I planted all 50 spruce trees to start our screen on the two road frontage areas. The green line is the Spruce trees the blue lines are the two rows of fruit and chestnut trees. Chestnuts The day after we planted the spruce trees I got a nice little deer track in the soil. The previous owner used the 6 acre field for hay but its full of good clover and forage so we are gonna leave it in and maybe spray some herbicide after the first cut. After all the hard work this weekend it was time for me to get back to Virginia but I am hoping to get back up early June to see how everything is doing. I still have to get grow tubes for the trees and put protection around each one in the next few weeks. My Dad will be going down every week and checking on everything as well and putting mulch around all the trees.
  21. I was real happy with my order. It is from Bosch's Evergreens who has partnered with Fitzgerald. Here are a few pics from this weekend. I planted 50 of them on our new property. A day later....
  22. Sorry about the spelling. I didnt say the edge of the field was the right location. I was thinking I wanted to plant it on the edge because eventually when they are full grown it will provide good road seclusion. The road to the north is a seasonal road so it does not get much traffic anyway
  23. Where would you plant 10 to 15 Dunston Chestnuts? I am thinking along the along the edge of the field in yellow highlight area. Please share your ideas.
  24. I don't I am understanding what you mean do you think you can draw it on the Arial Map??
  25. What is a good width that you would recommend? 5-10ft?
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