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DJ Wilson

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About DJ Wilson

  • Birthday 04/09/1971

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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Ransomville. ny
  • Hunting Gun
    16 shotgun
  • HuntingNY.com

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'll be hunting small game and yote. Then getting ready for next year there are a few places id like to set up some stands and blinds.
  2. welcome i'm a new myself the folks here are great. you'll like it here.
  3. opps is there a way to delete a post i didnt mean to double post
  4. there will be a surchage of $1.89 ny state tax $0.08 federal tax $12.68 server charge $15.89 hard drive space charge $ 2.98 electronic usauge charge $12.48 did i leave anything out?
  5. there will be a surchage of $1.89 ny state tax $0.08 federal tax $12.68 server charge $15.89 hard drive space charge $ 2.98 electronic usauge charge $12.48 did i leave anything out?
  6. so i went to $hitshack and the guy couldnt find what i wanted he told me there are 2 in stock walked in the back and came out 4 seconds later and said no not back there. then told me to goto the next closest $hitshack. so i did the had 2 on the shelf i got the mini amp then went home and started puting things together come to find out the dam amp dont work. this is a very simple DIY and it dont work. so now i have to go back and return the dam amp and get a different one and hope that one works when i get home. mind you im ticked off cuz i live in ransomvile and i have to drive all the way to niagara blvd..
  7. have to get it amplified. im thinking some old desktop speakers. or bite the bullet and get this from radio shack http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062620
  8. i have an ipod and i just downloaded all the calls from that site. now i have to see what to setup for the output. PS i dont have money to spend i have 4 kids and one on the way soon. so this is my best way. DIY lol
  9. Going to try to make a DIY E Caller. Has any one tried to make thier own? have pix? i found this video on youtube.
  10. just got in been out since 7am that rain plays tricks with your ears. didnt see nothing. taking kids to see santa at niagara power vista then when i get home its out to my woods i go.... ill be happy if i even see a deer this season.
  11. nevermind i found it http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28945.html
  12. not sure when i can hunt coyote like during night? anytime or is there a time i cant ?
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