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Posts posted by shenders

  1. As a person who works in law enforcement it is not a vehicle. THe reason being that there is no motor to move the vehicle. That is why it is stated trailer on the plate. The funny thing is that if you are riding yourtractor on your property and are drunk you can get a DWI. Due to the fact that it is a vehicle with a motor.

    § 125. Motor  vehicles. Every vehicle operated or driven upon a public

      highway which is propelled by  any  power  other  than  muscular  power,

      except  (a)  electrically-driven mobility assistance devices operated or

      driven by a person with a disability, (a-1) electric personal  assistive

      mobility  devices  operated  outside  a  city  with  a population of one

      million or more, (B) vehicles which run only upon rails or  tracks,  ©

      snowmobiles  as  defined in article forty-seven of this chapter, and (d)

      all terrain  vehicles  as  defined  in  article  forty-eight-B  of  this

      chapter.  For the purposes of title four of this chapter, the term motor

      vehicle shall exclude fire and police vehicles  other  than  ambulances.

      For  the purposes of titles four and five of this chapter the term motor

      vehicles shall exclude farm type tractors and all terrain type  vehicles

      used  exclusively  for agricultural purposes, or for snow plowing, other

      than for hire, farm equipment, including  self-propelled  machines  used

      exclusively  in  growing,  harvesting  or  handling  farm  produce,  and

      self-propelled  caterpillar  or  crawler-type  equipment  while  being

      operated on the contract site.

    We know you can't have your firearm loaded while you a re pulling the trailer with the tow vehicle. But once that trailer is disconnected and standing alone you should be good to go.

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