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Posts posted by shenders

  1. On Saturday had a nice six pointer under my stand but winded me a flew the coupe.  On Sunday I harvested a TOM 25 yards away with the bow.  Nice 4 inch beard ans 3/4 spur.  Two hours later shot a 85-90 pound down dropped her in her tracks. Love those rage 2 blade broad heads. So far a good start to the season.  Slugger nice bear. Make sure he wears his earring lol.

  2. Well it seems we all have differnet opinions on this but, he made his chocie and it has to be respected. On the other hand I might have contacted the DEC or local PD department and they do have the power to put an animal out of its misery. A  couple of guys on my job have in the past put animals down due to being struck by a car, train etc. I think that dec would have given you another tag if you advised them of the situation.

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