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Hunt NY

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About Hunt NY

  • Birthday 09/01/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mexico, NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Hunting, Fishing, Hunting, Fishing and most important Family!

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Oswego/Onondaga County
  • Hunting Gun
    .270 & .35 Whelen & 870 12 & 20 Gauge
  • Bow
    Bowtech Assassin
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. So who will be out this weekend in the Northern Zone? I will be out Saturday on the Tug Hill Plateau, not so much expecting to take a deer but I look forward to getting my stuff out, working out the kinks and sitting in my climber...
  2. 2013 continued...we finished last season I took 2 nice does with my bow, passes on several small bucks, my buddy Josh shot his first bow buck, my buddy Pat shot an 8 point with his bow and a nice 7 point with rifle, I finished the gun season with a DMP permit filled and the second to last say I took a 5 point with my gun...lots of venison...Ready for 2014!!!
  3. Quick recap of 2013 to prepare for this season!!!
  4. Single digit days until the opener...Cannot wait!
  5. I use to hunt not far from Conn Hill on Bull Hill...there are plenty of spots to hunt and some really good bucks. Only thing I can recommend is do your homework, find a good starting point from scouting and then expand your range by learning the area...look for tracts of county land, they usually aren't marked as well but usually are really good smaller tracts of land to set up and hunt...good luck
  6. I have been bowhunting since 1991, last year I bought my 4th bow. I owned two golden eagles, I bought a Bowtech Patriot in 2002 and last year I upgraded to a Bowtech Assassin. I only buy new when I ready for something new, and one thing is for sure I am ready to get out there this year!!!!
  7. I haven't had the recurve itch yet, it looks like it would add a much greater challenge. Maybe someday...
  8. I guess I like the extra challenge, I felt like I was getting pretty good at bowhunting with a good amount of success, I like adding the extra twist to it...like MrGroundhog said, I love reflecting back to the hunting video that I took each year...gun season I don't even bother...
  9. I hear you there...I really only lug a small gorilla camera arm and a small Sony handicam...and if I am using the same tree I leave the camera arm in the tree. I like to film the other deer I pass on or that are out of range....as well as any other wildlife I see while I am out there...the peace and quiet is very nice though...
  10. Yep, it would great to just see him, lots of pictures of him, we just need to be out there when he makes a mistake...
  11. Hunt NY

    To Warm

    Cold or warm, I am ready!!!
  12. I have been filming my bow hunts. I have been able to get two archery kills on video, one in 2012 and one in 2013. I messed up filming my biggest Bow buck. The camera was bumped and zoomed in too much...I look forward to getting some good video this season...anyone else experiment with this?
  13. Well I haven't been on here in a while. Bow season is right around the corner, I have some great trail cam pics as well as a buck I never thought would live this long. This is the third year I have gotten him on camera. I really hope to seal the deal on this buck.
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