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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by outdoorsman44

  1. Appalling, Our Gov Cuomo visited Buffalo yesterday and said all the hacks in Albany that voted with him on the NY safe act are hero's. My hero's are the men and women of our armed services that fight to protect my rights as a freedom loving American. These men and women put their lives on the line for us to live free in this great country. To call Albany politians, heros, is not only insulting, it is appalling
  2. So sad! What a beautiful child. My prayers are for her and her family. Outdoorsman44
  3. N.Y. will lose many dollars in ammo sales once the backround checks take affect. I will never buy ammo in the state after that, and I'm sure many others feel the same way. We can only hope this makes it into the courts. i 'm
  4. I don't think the run on ammo will end until the backround check to buy ammo take affect in Jan. 2014. Many hunters and target shooters will stock pile ammo before then.
  5. Get on the bus to albany Feb. 28. if you care about your freedom. everyone that is a gun owner needs to be there. I will be there, and will not roll over!!
  6. Your so right Bill. I shoot trap once a week, and i'm even finding it hard to get 12ga shells for that. I believe the anti gun people will attempt to price us out of our hunting and shooting sport. I'm sure the criminals will still have ammo though.
  7. Thanks to all for the great advice and replys. I'm not the give up type person. Its far to much fun trying to beat the gobbler. Besides, like all of you, I just like being out in the woods and fields. I will be back at it as soon as the spring season begins, and will remember everyones advice. I believe I am guilty of over calling. Maybe this year will be the year.
  8. I have been hunting N.Y. and Pa. for whitetail for 7 yrs with pretty good success. I bow hunt and gun hunt. Best buck with the bow is a medium sized 8 point. My problem is with the gobblers. I have been trying for a spring gobbler for 3 yrs. No turkey yet! Mostly use box calls, and have had a couple close calls and lots of fun, but no bird. Any pointer are welcome. Thanks everyone, glad to join ya.
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