So this is my first coyote I took him down last year a little after Christmas time, it was 3am and I'm laying in bed can't sleep so I thought what the hell it just got done snowing and it's a full moon, so I get outta bed and head up north in Saratoga county to this lady's farm to do a little calling, I get on stand and not even 10 minutes goes by before I hear somthin I never heard before.. A damn wolf howl!! Now for those of you who have never been alone in the woods, at night, and heard this sound piercing the air, it sends chills down your spine, luckily I had my trusty 1944 mosin nagant, that's right I'm out coyote hunting with a wwII relic.. Anyways right after he finishes I hear what sounds like 100 coyotes barking and yapping, needless to say my blood is pumping, I grab my promos cottontail call and start my best dying rabbit impression, about 10 minutes later I see this guy running full speed across the field coming right at me!! I let out a whistle and he stops about 70 yards I was so nervous/excited the second I got him in my sights I pulled the trigger, I see him spin and take off into the woods, I hop up instantly and run out praying to see some blood, and there it is!!! My first blood trail in the snow! I'm so damn excited my legs are shaking I take off after him and find him about 60 yards away and he was a lot bigger than I was expecting I have a knife in my hand as I approach him still breathing, I place my hand on his chest praying he dosnt jump up and bite me, and I feel him take his last breath, man I can't explain my feelings at that moment, it was my first time out coyote hunting and It couldn't have gone any better, turns out I made a pretty bad shot but it got the job done and under the circumstances I'm lucky to have held on to my rifle haha anyways here's some pics, sorry for the quality it was just me a cell phone and a cheap flashlight.