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Posts posted by 518BowSlayer

  1. Pickled y-bones are a delicacy up in the Thousands island area.   A neighbor up there used to fillet all I would give him and all he asked was that he could keep the y-bones.  He cut off all the meat in one big slab and then used a straight razor to cut out the part with the y-bones.  It was amazing how much meat he could get off those fish, with almost no waste.  He was super fast at it, probably having done thousands.  I never remember finding a single bone in any of those that he cleaned for us.   
    I used a method that involved cutting off the back meat above the spine and then trying to stay outside the y-bones to remove the side meat.   Lots of meat went to waste that way and I sometimes missed a bone or two.  One year my brother in law choked on one and they had to take him to the hospital in A-bay to try and remove it.  The operation was not successful (y-bones don't show up on x-rays).  The following day, he coughed up the y-bone while eating an oreo cookie for breakfast.  My wife has not allowed us to fish for pike since that time which was at least 10 years ago.   Now, I mostly just catch them by accident while bass fishing.
    I've only kept 1 pike ever but I watched a few videos on the 5 filet method and it worked great and wasn't that difficult. No bones at all and the meat was better than I expected. Wouldn't hesitate to keep them now. You get 3 long strips of meat which are perfect for a fish fry on a roll and 2 smaller tail filets

    Sent from my SM-J327T using Tapatalk

  2. I'd like to volunteer myself for Bill's turkey master class next year. I've killed a few a few birds myself (2 longbeards and 3 jakes) but I'm struggling to close the deal this year. Been hearing tons of gobbling but just can't bring them in. I'll gladly be your next protege!

    Sent from my SM-J327T using Tapatalk

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  3. Is it too late in the season for a full strut deke? I've always switched to single hen decoy for later in the season but I've actually never killed a bird past May 7th. my plan was to get pretty close to the roost and set the full strut close to where I hope they will fly down to, even though I know they don't always like to read the script. just figured the full strut would be more visible as the trees start to green up. I've been pretty consistent this season on finding them on the roost but I've been hesitant to get too close and spook them. they almost always roost above a small creek that is also the property line. 50/50 shot they fly down on our side or the neighbors. a hand full of times they've flown down on our side, strutting and gobbling and socializing for maybe a half hour and then fly back over to the neighbors. our side of the creek is wooded but the other is a wide open field. I can sometimes call to them enough from the other side to get them to gobble and strut, maybe even come close to the waters edge, but never fly back over to our side. seems like if they go to the neighbors, the rest of the day is shot. Anyway, I guess the real question is has anybody had much luck with full strut dekes later in the season?

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  4. imageproxy.php?img=&key=e19349f16091ac34014c1c31147276f6ed5472f99e1e819654d82d48c9fbe3f1imageproxy.php?img=&key=e19349f16091ac34014c1c31147276f6ed5472f99e1e819654d82d48c9fbe3f1
    You can.do it completely in 1 hour and it will never rot .. simply fan out on cardboard and trace outline , then simply pull the feathers and clean ends with a degreaser ( dish soap and rubing alcohol ) then simply lay a fender washer on cardboard.  The large tail feather start from outside ends and stack in b the middle. Then hot glue gun to washer. Place another fender washer on top amd repeat with next set of feathers starting in center and working out. Add smaller washer and do last set of feathers , screw to board thru whole in washer and glue feather over it . Or cap with leather.  Nothing to ever rot or absorb water and harbor maggots. 
    This one is from 98, Screenshot_20200503-200750_Gallery.jpg.2122ddbf5ade4bf900af72fd74c568f7.jpgand this one was my first in 94
    That's a smart way to do it. Zero meat or fat to rot. Makes sense. I like it!

    Sent from my SM-J327T using Tapatalk

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  5. 2 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Have a friend with this one. e15c3cbe9f4f04c05f26db9fcbe551b0.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    heck of a trophy room right there!!! wish I had room for a life size mount


    here's a couple of me with some mounts from my great uncle in West Virginia when I was like 7 or 8. wish we took more pictures when we were there almost 30 years ago. he had a ton of Alaskan and African mounts



    • Like 4
  6. I have the form and the cape is tanned. I want to bring it to my teacher to help me with it and we were planning on doing it in mid march but he wants to wait until this corona virus hysteria is over. hopefully soon. I had to put it up on the wall just to see how much wall space it's gonna take up. gonna be awesome




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  7. Sat until about 7, saw nothing heard nothing. Checked my camera down by the creek and heard a gobble. 2 toms strutting on the neighbors property for almost an hour. They had 2 hens with them. Got them to gobble 2 more times but never budged. Big ole beaver in the creek sees me and splashes it's tail. Birds stop strutting and stare in my direction. By the 3rd slap of the beaver tail they were gone. Never really had a chance at them anyway. No way the were gonna cross a flooded creek to come to my calling

    Sent from my SM-J327T using Tapatalk

  8. not sure if it matters or not but when I use a full strut deke I always have it facing to my right or left, opposite of where I think the birds will come from. the theory is that they might hang up if they are face to face with the deke, you want them facing the opposite way so that they have to come around it to get its attention. just a theory though, probably doesn't even matter

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  9. 9 hours ago, mlammerhirt said:

    I have the second one...or maybe a little bigger version. It's an awesome pack....love it for deer hunting and they sell and add on for turning it into a turkey pack. 686df645f57770e2edf09210b473c475.jpg

    Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk

    can't beat that price. might get that myself. been using a field and stream vest for like 6-7 seasons now. I like it but that alps looks sweet especially for $27

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