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Posts posted by nybuckboy

  1. Do you typically hunt food sources only?  Morning, night or both? OR do you tend to hunt your old reliable spots? I contemplating my old reliable spot which gives me a good view as and look to see what may be out an around first thing in the am and then food late sources afternoon. 

  2. 2 hours ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Surprised peas and clover not being hit. You sure ? Have cams over them? Pretty sure turnips and radishes will start to get hit late gun n ml season after hard frosts. The starches become sugar. They’ll dig them up 

    My radish tops have been getting hammered almost since they came up 2 months ago. Them been in the peas for a while as well. 

  3. Continue doing what we have for the past 5 seasons... passing on the young bucks and wait out and hope to connect with the mature bucks. Take a doe late season for meat.  I don't like to take a doe before the rut is over as you never know that the doe you kill early may be the doe that brings the big buck past you later.

  4. I hope you wear hearing protection. These old tractors are the culprit for farmer hearing loss... generally worse in the left ear from constantly turning your head to the right to check the implement tracking behind you. 

  5. Don - when I bought our 95 acres in summer of ‘14 we had a similar problem but no threats. We live here as well which certainly helps. The 95 acres was part of about 300 !that this family and their friends had hunted as well as others over the years.  The phrase Free For All fit this property.    What I did was make to large signs and put them on the access points that used to be used. I stenciled this. NEW LANDOWNER. ALL PRIOR HUNTING PERMISSION IS NO LONGER VALID.  My son called it the asshole sign. We have not seen a single hunter or track in the past 5 seasons. You may want to need to place several around the property and st least one along the road but I would suggest that it's worth the  time.  Do it ASAP 

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