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Posts posted by virgil

  1. On 12/1/2023 at 7:01 AM, airedale said:

    So I had a chance to use one of those Outdoor Edge replaceable hunting knifes that Amazon will not ship to NY State. These knives follow the same scheme as the old transition from straight razors to safety razors, instead of sharpening when dull, you just toss the old blade and put in new. 

    The blades for these knives are very sharp and hold their edge well, but here is the thing. After doing some skinning work and meat cutting I put the blade to one of my good stones and had it razor sharp again in a jiffy. In my opinion it would be stupid or just plain lazy to throw away the blade and not resharpen it. Personally I will keep sharpening the blades until they will no longer hold an edge.


    i ordered replacement blades for mine last week- they were deliever in two day.

  2. 42 minutes ago, fasteddie said:

    It's a shame when members who joined another site have to come back here and trash talk on this site . Since several members have left , members on this site with few posts have dared to come out and make posts without fear of retaliation . This site has improved with the loss of antagonistic members . 

    I agree.  Unfortunately, it still suffers because of the remaining antagonistic members.

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  3. 43 minutes ago, airedale said:

    What are you doing here Virg, you have not made a post about hunting in months, another trolling closet Democrat!

    How about taking your own advice from your quote below and leave us clowns alone.


    "i'll go back to ignoring you clowns- i forgot how sensitive and easily triggered you can be."

    I'll try.

  4. 4 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

    We can go crazy for crazy on either side and be here all day

    Agreed.  And, isn't that exactly the problem?  Both parties are just trying to out-crazy each other- nominating extremists within their party.  The result is this awful hyper-polarized state that the country is in.  At some point, moderates need to become electable again.

    • Like 1
  5. Then again, there is reason to believe the Democrats are capable of election fraud and may very well steal the election.  They can easily cover all fraud up too, since they control every agency that would have to look into it.  Their corruption is the worst it has ever been.  But that's another reason why many are planning to vote against them.

    Heads we win, tails they cheated.  The never-ending grievance machine grinds on.  Good plan to prepare the excuse and conspiracy in advance.

    Probably unnecessary.  I think Zeldin will win.  

    • Like 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    if i dont clean mine anything after 3 shots starts to drop.  Shoot that first and second one at 200 then take a 100 yard shots after and see what it looks like.  I use the same as you 2 pellets of 777.  

    Haven't tried that.  i did read about a lubricant that's supposed to be excellent.

    Oops- that was meant for the post from Ranger Clay.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    if i dont clean mine anything after 3 shots starts to drop.  Shoot that first and second one at 200 then take a 100 yard shots after and see what it looks like.  I use the same as you 2 pellets of 777.  

    Good idea.  Will try that.

  8. 7 minutes ago, SportsmanNH said:

    If you want to shoot 200 yards , yes . Use 3 pellets . Thats what all the guys I know use that want to shoot 200+ yards . And they do very well with it . The longest shot I've made with my Encore was 145 yards . I aimed at the top third of the chest and hit dead center on the deer . Maybe a 4 inch drop . But the bullet was on its way down . I use 2 pellets . 

    OK, thanks.  I'll give that a try.  I can't imagine it'll effect zero at 100?

  9. Just now, SportsmanNH said:

    I dont believe your issue is crud at all . Everyone I know who shoots out to 200 yards are using 3 pyrodex or triple 7 pellets . I think sbuff's calculation of 16 inches low is right on the money or actually a little on the short side. I would of expected to a bit more than 16 inches low . 

    So, are you suggesting 3 pellets?  For all distances?

  10. 5 minutes ago, sbuff said:

    Maybe I figured it wrong but I ran a 250 gr shock wave with a BC of .250 at around 1700fps dead on at 100 yards with a .452 diameter you should be -16+bullet drop out to 200 yards

    T7 will give you a crud ring usually after shock number two 





    So, do you think my issue is crud?  I can't come up with any other ideas.  When i shot at 200, i used the reticle on the scope that was designed for 200.  The first two shots were good.  After that, huge dropoff.

    I appreciate G-Man's advice about switching to powder.  But, if i knew that the issue is purely due to the barrel getting cruddy after a few shots, even with a moist patch between shots, i'll just make sure that the gun is perfectly clean before heading into the woods for this season.  Then, i'll probably make the switch to loose powder going forward.

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