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About Bow

  • Birthday 07/21/1990

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  • Hunting Location
    New York
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. There also The kid I go to school with that was murdered by his brother this past weekend.
  2. Nothing to be alarmed about its simply due to the humidity. I work at a garden center.
  3. Time to switch camo patterns?
  4. It sounded original...
  5. Verde, its a great Italian restaurant on Long Island that I work at. We just got reviewed in the New York Times.
  6. Sorry to steal your idea but i think i just found a use for all my empty tins!
  7. Thanks im gonna look into the Harvard study now.
  8. So I am writing a research paper for English, the topic being gun control. This outta be fun lol.
  9. Couldnt be happier with it. Just changed the oil today and cleaned the carb, and I thought it ran well before lol.
  10. I stand corrected, its 80's Snapper.
  11. Ive seen what your talking about, its just a plow attachment that connects in front of the auger.
  12. Guess the guy didnt know he could adjust the height of the skids on the sides? worked in your favor though so cant complain.
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