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    Long Island

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  • Hunting Location
    Hartwick NY

Hartwick's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Opening day my cousin took a 6pt this past Fri I took a 9pt Fri the woods were full of does and sat nothing very quiet
  2. The main problem is there is not as much deer seen today as in the past. I don't think it has anything to do with the seasons length it has to do with land that has been excluded from hunting. In the area where I hunt 2500 acres was donated to a college and has become off limits to all hunting. There must be hundreds of areas all over the state like this. The deer are not bothered there, they have food and water so they stay there. Visit one of these places during the season you will see what I am talking about.
  3. I don't understand what all the fuss about cross bows I hunt with bow,rifle and black powder and do not have a problem with crossbows in any season. Are people afraid someone will get a deer before them.
  4. I use Rich for my butchering and taxadermy work He is very good at both
  5. I shoot a 15 year old Deerslayer 2 with copper sabots Very good over 100 yds on a paper plate. I've taken a good amount of Deer with it also
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