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Posts posted by Bleitten04

  1. What there saying is place the scrape under a tree in which there is a reachable licking branch for the deer.  If you wanted to put a little scent on it so it seems as if a deer has used it I'm sure it will work!

  2. i'd say with the dip in the temps on friday we should see some decent movement during the day.  Not to mention its halloween weekend, one of the best times to be in the woods!

    Anybody ever hear of ghost bucks?  LOL  I know it sounds far fetched but I read a story in a NAHC book where 3 guys shot big bucks in Mich.  on Halloween.  The deer they shot were never even seen before these encounters. 

  3. thank you i will post what happens I will probably be going out friday evening but not sure yet if I want to put this plan into action then or the weekend.  I'm going to check out some weather reports and choose when I feel deer will be moving the most.  Hopefully Ill be right. :;)

  4. I would try the field in the evening because deer will probably be coming out to get some food.  The scents and calls won't hurt but from what Ive heard on this site they do seem to possibly scare away does but other people seem to have very good luck bringing a buck into a closer range.  good luck hope you have a blast!!!

  5. I moved in closer but wasn't in a stand.  there is no tree able to hold a stand in this area.  Also they never ended up coming through  >:) .  Oh well I guess.  I sprayed a ton of scent killer where I walked and right where I was sitting, hopefully if they come through when I'm not there they won't smell my prior activities.  I'm going to give it a few days and then try it again. 

  6. Wow I think primos needs to put some decent directions in the package.  Never once does it say anything about that.  I bought the one call primos makes that has the wheeze, estrous call and the regular grunt.  I came with a dvd to and never says anthing about those short bleats.  Very interesting and thanks for posting the video!!!!

  7. Whenever I feel like goin!!!! ;)  I don't take any of those things into consideration when I'm deciding when to hunt.  I just go as many times as I possibly can.  All of those things probably do affect deer movement but deer are wild animals and can do whatever they want.  I just figure I'm not gonna shoot one on the couch. ;)

  8. Thats pretty unsportsmen like whether it is a big swamp or not.  I dont duck hunt but always wanted to get into it.  Anyways the same thing will happen to me when I'm out fishing somewhere.  You will pick a spot along a river and someone will come right next to and start fishing.  I mean this is a little different because there not really stealing my fish like those guys were your ducks.  But I like to be left alone when I'm out there. 

  9. Well I basically have a doe and two fawns patterned down pretty well.  They come through the same spot every evening.  Only problem is they are about 100 yards from me.  I feel like if I move up to where I feel I'm in range when they come through they will go some other route.  On the other hand they seem pretty content with their route and I wonder if I should just wait until gun season where I can shoot farther.  However I know that they come off of property that I can't hunt.  I'm afraid that someone will run into them before I do on opening day of gun.  I think a lot of the people around me do deer pushes so who knows where they will be come that afternoon.  Any opinions out there?

  10. sittin in the stand now a light rain just passed over maybe something will come through this evening.  doesnt seem like there is a lot of deer moving only saw one doe this morning about 100 yards away.  while typing this another light rain has started.

  11. this is my first live from the stand post so i hope it works.  anyways saw one doe this morning about 100 yards away.  went to lunch now back in the stand .  doesnt seem like there is a lot of movement today but the wind isnt bad hopefully something will come by this evening.  btw this is a good time killer even though the deer are probably walking by when i got my face stuck in the phone. lol.

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