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Posts posted by grampy

  1. An owl hooting. The owl is my spirit bird. There have been times when I'd hear an owl telling me to be ready, and I'd have a successful hunt. My grandmother was full blood native American. When I was young, she'd take me to the reservation in NC. It was there I learned about the owl being my spirit bird. And how the ones we loved, come back to greet us on the wings of the owl. There is no better sound in the woods for me.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Nomad said:

    Well this could be my last season of bow hunting , been doing it since 1988 . Bad shoulders for years but I deal with it . Now a few years back I could no longer draw my bow . I got a crossbow so I could at least get those two weeks , then I found a bow I could draw and all was good for 3/4 more years till today   . Shoulders of course hurt,  they do most days ,fingers tingle even , but today while sitting I decided to see if I could draw and clear some branches ,it took all I had to get it back ,then two hours later , prior to getting down I stood up to shoot a field point like I always do before  getting down and I could not pull the string back .

    This is just how it went before ,I could  shoot in my yard standing ,warm etc , but after sitting and if it’s cold that’s all it took  to tip the scale . Soon if the pattern continues I won’t be able to draw at all under any conditions.

    Im trying to knock the inflammation down , and will do my stretching , maybe hunt just warm afternoons , I only have to sit an hour then , but I hate coming back the next day …

    So that’s it ,quite frankly I was shocked , speechless and pissed when I couldn’t draw today . Here we go again , time to dust off the xbow . 

    I'm right there with ya brother. I haven't been able to draw my bow all year, up until two weeks ago. Both shoulders need surgery.....again. I was giving a hunter ed bow class a couple weeks ago, and brought my bow. Been doing exercises and PT all summer. After the course, a couple other instructors were shooting. So I grabbed my bow and gave it a go. Surprisingly I got the first shot off and right on target at 25 yards! Shot about eight shots. Each one a bit more painful than the last. But darned if they all didn't hit where I was aiming out to 35 yards. But.....that was under ideal conditions. Not sure if I get out in the woods, and a little chilled, I can get to full draw or not??? Will try shooting a couple arrows tomorrow. See how it goes? For each of the last few years I've said this will be my final bow season. Pretty sure this one will be. I've had a good run bowhunting since the late 70s.  I'm a young 65. And I still got the crossbow season. I can live with that. But my first love will always be my bow.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, skully said:

    I do not go in woods till after first light anymore.  No reason to in my spots

    Me too. The last 20 or so years I prefer to hunt my way in just as it's getting light. And have killed deer doing so. Very seldom bump deer on the way to my set up. As I usually see them before they see me. Think still hunting to get there. Slow and easy. Also get in much quieter, as I can step over and around branches. By the time I'm up and in, it's full daylight. It works for me. I do carry a head lamp in my pack. Mostly for if I need to track a deer after last light.

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  4. 1 hour ago, rob-c said:

    My comment was not meant to be derogatory, yes stuff happens especially with archer equipment. Hence why archers need to be a bit more selective with how they pick that shot . I’ve passed up countless deer because they did not give a good archery kill shot. Now having said that , I’ve lost 2 deer in all my years hunting and it  sucks no doubt. We all get excited and that’s the best part,  but us archers owe it to the deer we hunt to try and make the very best quick kill shot we can. I am genuinely surprised that some are taking these marginal shots. 

    Well said. A bad hit can and does happen to every archer if you hunt long enough. Been there myself. Passed up alot more shots, than I've ever taken over many decades of bowhunting. I've never regretted one of those shots not taken. Not being selective just increases the odds of a bad hit. Plain and simple. Seen the results over my years tracking with Deersearch. And yeah, I guess it's made me a little cynical. We all make mistakes. Some learn more from them than others.

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  5. On 9/10/2022 at 8:56 PM, Meatball said:

    Walmart in Glenville and Cobleskill both have a good selection of hunting ammo available. My buddy just picked up 30.06 and said they only scanned his driver's license into the computer. No hassle at all. Cobleskill is still selling rifles too.

    I go to both of those. Thanks!

  6. 3 hours ago, moog5050 said:

    Thank you!   He wants to be the next lead designer for Gucci or some other over priced designer.  Lol.  Wants to attend FIT.   I give him credit, his portfolio is impressive and he is an excellent artist.   Just not a field that I would pursue but if that’s his dream…..

    Tell J I said Hi!!! He will do just fine doing whatever he sets his mind to!!! He got to be quite the bass fisherman a few years ago!!! Learned all on his own too!!! Very intelligent, and personable, the sky is his limit!

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