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Posts posted by grampy

  1. Lee never left you Jay.

    He rides the wings of the spirit bird to greet you. Thankful, that you are his little brother. That you did what he wanted. 

    Get out there and get that buck my friend. 

    There was water in my eyes reading this. I have a very similar story too.

    • Like 1
  2. 80 hunts and no deer? You need to reevaluate. Go back to the basics.

    Keep wind and thermals in YOUR favor. Always.

    SIT STILL!!! If you have to turn your head, or move at all, do it in super slow motion. If walking and stalking, and you think you are moving too slow? Move slower.

    Blend in with wherever you are hunting. Especially from the ground.

    Hunt where the deer are! Even on heavy pressure state land, there are certain spots where more deer will be than others. Find those spots! It may be harder to get there. But worth the extra effort.

    Be patient, and persistent. These are among the best traits of consistently successful hunters. Hang in there that extra hour or more. Even if you think you should go, because you haven't seen a deer.

    We all have to step back and reevaluate our hunting at times. And be willing to change what's not working for us. Be adaptable! The deer we hunt certainly are.

    These basics are for us all. I just want to help. Not saying I'm better than ANYONE. I am not.

    With that, I wish you good luck Rob. As I do feel luck plays a small part too.

    I'd be willing to meet up with you again, and set you in a known great spot. Where we were a few years ago. The the rest is up to you. Follow the basics, and you'll be grilling backstraps before Thanksgiving.





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  3. 6 hours ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

    Shot a buck at 7:30 this morning, he came in, worked a scrape then headed past me at 20. I knew the shot was a touch back. Arrow looked and smelled like liver so i gave him seven hours. He went 63 yards, turns out I heard him die. He made some light grunts which Id never heard before as he died4bd7e76d787c184d534dd86e93b8aa4f.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    Congratulations Tacks!! Way to go!!

    Nice looking buck!

    • Like 2
  4. 22 minutes ago, Lawdwaz said:

    This really is outstanding.   I could probably count on one hand the deer I've ever shot "free handed".

    I do alot of shooting bench work testing my reloads. Before that, always zeroed in from a solid bench, even with shotguns. That said, I've shot a pile of deer, definitely the majority "free hand". The bench shooting always gave me the confidence the round would go where I aimed. 99% of the time it did.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    But a 7mm 08 does all that and better and no more recoil. No advantage for all those with a .243. It doesn't ruin meat cause your shooting 95 grains. And if you read above others state it ruins meat due to speed. Its very light for a whitetail in my opinion. Makes zero sense to me but to each their own. A .22 mag will also kill a deer but why would you buy one for that when there are superior options for the same price, weight, recoil as the .243.

    Sent from my motorola edge 5G UW (2021) using Tapatalk


    7mm-08 may just be THE perfect whitetail round. Very little recoil. And will drop them even when off just a bit. Good to go out to 300+ yards. 

    But if the OP has a good deal lined up for a rifle that would fit for his daughter? Go for it! Run a deer weight bullet. Have that youngster spend a "BUNCH" of time shooting that 243. And said youngster will have no problem whatsoever killing their first deer with that 243.

    • Like 6
  6. 31 minutes ago, Team Hoyt said:

    Unfortunately came down with the flu yesterday. This sucks have never felt this bad. Even covid wasnt like this lol. Looks like I'm done for this weekend.

    I'm with ya. Started to feel crappy yesterday afternoon. Really feel bad this morning. Had flu shot Thursday evening. Got work to do at the farm. Going to try and push through. Had to reschedule our annual meet up with UpStateRedNeck. Just to be on the safe side. Good luck to all out there.

    • Sad 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, BizCT said:

    Who would have thought the Phillies? Wow. And 4 out of last 6 years the astros are in the WS. Can they finally win # 2?

    My hope is the Stro's get swept by the Phillies.

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, outdoorstom said:

    Unknown to Ron, the hunter walking behind him had cocked and loaded his crossbow. He tripped and must have had his finger on the trigger.

    For this reason, I always insisted that the hunter not carry a loaded weapon when tracking. I told them if there is a need for a follow up shot, I would probably be the one to take it. If there were time I'd let them know to load up.

    Every tracker/handler has their own way of doing it. 

    I hope this one has a complete and speedy recovery.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, stubborn1VT said:

    Shot a doe this morning.  30 yards. Slightly quartering.  Shot looked, sounded good. Waited 25 minutes and got down. Couldn't find blood right away, but I saw where she left the overgrown pasture and went into the woods. Headed that way and it sounded like a herd of deer took off.  I was confident in the shot.  Found fantastic blood in the woods.  40 yards later I found a huge pool of blood and then a bloody bed.  I didn't think I had kicked her up, but thought I chose to play it safe and backed out.  My buddy came over to hang out and catch up.  We went back in an hour and a half later.  Blood trail was sparse, but pretty easy to follow.

    Coyotes beat me to her.  Tore up both hind quarters, ate the liver and tore the stomach apart.  I think backing out was the smart move, but it may have cost me the deer in the end.  She ran another 100+ yards, more or less dead on her feet and dropped.  No sign of a struggle.  Entrance was 5" behind the shoulder and half way up.  Exit was lower and 3 or 4 ribs from the back of the ribcage.  Mad I lost the deer, but can't really say what I should have done differently.  Ravens were having a field day carrying away meat and fat.

    Between work and weather I probably won't get out until next weekend. I have permission on 120 acres in that area, but I won't hunt it with a bow again.  

    Congrats to everyone who scored.  

    Sometimes, even when you do everything right, it all goes wrong. It happens to us all if you hunt long enough. Tough deal on this one for you. Wish you better luck next time out. And for the rest of the season. 

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  10. 10 minutes ago, mowin said:

    My brother and his wife have had a few more over the yrs. All were gentle giants.  

    Moose was a great dog, but very protective. 

    My brother had just gotten home one late one night and parked his Harley in the garage.  A few minutes later Moose started staring at the door leading to the garage. Dan heard the garage door opening slowly. He opened the door and moose was on that guy like flies on stink.  Took all he could do to get moose off the guy. Guy sued, but lost.  

    Should've let Moose chew on the scumbag a little longer!!!

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