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Everything posted by Trailer

  1. Got in blind 30 min late pulled camera card on way in and had nice 8 make scrape at 545 this morning 20 yards from blind. 622 here something and he is right beside me. He spooked no shot. First buck seen all year. Had one chasing in golden rod field last week but never saw him. He was grunting like crazy though
  2. Trailer


    I'm in 7r and its on here. Had buck chasing a doe all around me for almost 45 minutes on Sunday until a mink chasing a rabbit spooked them. Almost hit a buck everyday this week on my way to or from work.Farm that i buy hay from had a buck breed a doe in their field as well.
  3. Uptown doesn't believe in the Constitution? That my friend is about the dumbest thing an American citizen can say. The Constitution protects you and your rights. It allows you to shoot your mouth off, write what you want, be tried by a juror of yours and on and on. Hell it allows you to hunt through the second amendment. Why do you think that when we swear into the service we swear to defend that very piece of paper? We do this because its what makes America America. If you don't like this country and its laws you can move to a different one, but don't just jump the border some of those places will kill you. You may not like the President Elect but he is still your president along with every other American living in this great country. Many people have sacrificed life and limb for you to able say the stuff that you do, myself included. So please if you don't believe in America or its founding principles, please see your way out.
  4. We as hunters have to try and make the cleanest kill on an animal. We also have the chance to help new or inexpeirenced hunters come into the sport and make good choices. I guess I don't understand why people don't choose to help others out. Maybe if more of us out there helped these newbies out once in a while instead of biting out tounges we would have more hunters and fisherman out there. Hell i helped a 12 year old boy who i didn't even know catch his first salmon because his uncle was too busy to help. Even if the person with them gets upset its worth it to try and help them out. A little advice go a long ways. I am truly appreciative of all those who helped along the way and most are people I never met before.
  5. It does not bother me that I don't kill a mature buck that u got on cam. What bothers me is people killing them illegally bragging about it and nothing happens. It's not just me that does not get the opportunity to harvest that deer but everyone else in the area who is pursueing it legally. I know of a thirteen point several of my neighbors and myself got on cam. He was harvested legally in bow season by an out it Towner and I couldn't have been happier for the guy. He didn't even know there was bucks that big in our area.
  6. DEC officers words to me were "most of our violations are the result of someone reporting something suspicious not necessarily witnessing something happen. People have to call and report or we don't know where to begin"
  7. He started bragging about the deer to a few people that I know. I have seen the pictures of these deer. I also have heard the shots at night from my house just couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from. Now I know and have started the process of helping this delta bravo see the right side of the law. Also one picture was taken on trail camera at 950pm and his photo date is 145 am very next day. No way he killed it legally even though he says shot it in the afternoon and had to track for hours. No injuries on the deer when he was making the scrape from 950 to10ish.
  8. Don't need a plate number. Just a general area where it's going on and what you have seen. The DEC can't be everywhere at once but we can give them a place to start and eventually it will make a difference
  9. So after dedicating all of archery season and regular season to killing only mature deer I have not succeeded yet. It's not that I don't have mature bucks an does around ( got 5 mature bucks on camera multiple times) it's people that live around me and jack lighters killing them at night. Neighbor killed 4 bucks so far 3 ones I got on trail camera no argument on that compare pics to pics. So I decided to call DEC in my area. He told me no one is reporting people violating game laws. What is wrong with us as sportsman and conservationists? We are the stewards of the land an if we know things like this are happining we have a responsibility to report it and let those who break these laws know it's not ok. The laws are laws for a reason an even if we don't agree with all of them we are still responsible to abide by them. It's time we all get on the same page.
  10. I use them with my 870 and they also group awesome. I have shot a few deer with them as well. The only thing I have noticed is if you hit solid bone like the shoulder then they leave a very large exit wound and damage a good portion of meat. They usually drop pretty quick and have had good blood trails with them also.
  11. Sat in my swamp stand this afternoon. Haven't seen but two deer in there all year. One was big doe I lost last weekend. Saw one squirrel all day and at 445 was getting ready to call it a day when I hear some crashing. Look up into pine lot and out comes a six point I got on camera a bunch of times. Nose to ground and movin quick. Grabbed the bow, Drew and let out a bleat. Stopped at 4 yards slight quartering away. He didn't make it 40 yards before he pilled up. Someone had grazed him in the neck in last couple weeks scabbed up and got a little infection goin on. Still not a bad buck for a crazy over pressures area.
  12. Last two years that is how I received my sevens 7r tag
  13. After several hours with deer search we did not recover the deer. Never bedded down and the blood trail ended. Tracker said it is most likely a non leathal hit due to the fact that she never laid down.
  14. Have deer search coming this morning. She went into some real thick stuff and can't find her lost blood trail
  15. . Deer search coming this morning. Lost blood trail in some really thick stuff
  16. Hopefully I will be able to post picks of it tomorrow
  17. Good news is deer search coming out with a dog. 5050 chance of recovery. Hopefully we find it
  18. Yes from a tree stand at 16 feet up. 22 yard shot
  19. Thanks all for the advice. I backed out at 5:15 and will be out there looking for her tomorrow. Hopefully we can find her. Pray for no snow or rain unfortunately.
  20. Saw her walk off so I waited 45 minutes. Found arrow and walked where she ran that's when I found the blood trail. Looked like really good blood and super easy to follow. Took it slow and kept my eyes out for her. Think I may have bumped her. Doesn't look like she had laid down. Just turned and ran down the hill. I am still waiting for someone from deer search to call. I am going to sit in that stand for a couple hours in morning and try to find her after that. My father in law can't help till after 8 tomorrow but he will help me
  21. Just weird how almost no blood on arrow. I'm using rage chisel points. Lots of blood after about 20 yards and I mean lots. Blind person could follow it. Neck shot maybe? Thought it looked good but adrenalin was pumpin. First mature deer I had a chance at
  22. Called and left message. Lots of bubbles in the blood and it's bright red. Hardly any on my arrow though
  23. Shot a big doe and lost blood trail. Went into really thick stuff. Just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes deer search to call back. I live in 7r.
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