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Uptown Redneck

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  • Hunting Gun
    Browning 30-06/ Winchester 30/30
  • Bow
    Barnett Crossbow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. First off your prick president is no longer a private citizen Secondly, there is nothing within a tax return that will give anyone an unfair advantage over another person. Once again your defense of the is laughable
  2. Sounds like you might be talking about Rob and his whining about his neighbor
  3. https://nyti.ms/2lP6Oke What a great place to plan protests from, won't find any Trump supporters there considering the average Trump supporter probably has a second grade reading level
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about members of the NWO order being your neighbor, they have way too much class and dignity to ever be caught living in a trailer park
  5. Why don't you go cry some more about your neighbor who can afford to have his driveway shoveled
  6. This is exactly the dysfunction one gets when one moron appoints other morons to positions both are completely incapable of fulfilling
  7. Why do you care who shovels his driveway? What another person does or doesn't do is no business of yours. Sounds to me that your jealous that he can afford to pay someone while you can't
  8. Being ONCE AGAIN your president was struck down by the court, I am guessing the real jackass here is your idiot president, but then again everyone with brain all know what a raving POS the current president is.
  9. There are many things laws prohibit people from buying
  10. Well considering the whole "online shopping" thing did even exist ten years ago, you didn't have any problem buying ammo then, so why the sudden problem now?
  11. Yoiu renew your driver license and car registration don't you? No difference.
  12. Then maybe you should consider buying a gun in a caliber you can afford to shoot, The first thing I do before buying any new gun is to see what the price of ammo for it costs before I purchase the gun,
  13. I am well aware of the need to have a valiod pistol permit in order to buy ammo for a pistol
  14. Because The Safe Act has zero negative effect on my right to own the guns I own and in purchasing the ammo I need for those guns
  15. I buy whatever I need whenever I need it, Safe Act has zero effect on my purchases
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