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  • Hunting Location
    8n 7p 4 f
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 700 ss
  • Bow
    Saving $ for x bow
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Quiet afternoon here too...only thing making a sound is the barking red squirrels... light is getting flat and fading quick... maybe a dusk feeder will stroll by in the next few
  2. Hoyle’s law says the chances are always good that it happens on opening day....
  3. 6 pointer down at ~7:30 this am 25 yards away and dropped where it stood 140 lbs dressed First one of season for me Sent from a rotary phone...
  4. Down in Norwich area at in laws with tons of stands to pick from... hoping to get some tags filled this week. Love Thanksgiving hunting week with father in law and brother in law. Sent from a rotary phone...
  5. Slowest opening day ever. Heard 31 shots from 6:45 - 8:50 but I have no clue at what because no one close to me even saw a deer for shoot at. It was then silent all day. Didn't even see one which is odd on opening day. Want to go out tomorrow but not sure if I can convince myself to get wet and cold just to watch trees sway in the wind. Sent from a rotary phone...
  6. Not a creature was stirring.... Sent from my a rotary phone...
  7. That is a thick one Sent from my a rotary phone...
  8. They must all be sun bathing.... 57 here in 8 n and haven't seen a thing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Can't remember last gun opener when I didn't have to wear gloves, hat, and use foot warmers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Forgot my seat cushion... it is always something Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. In Naples... some clown already let one rip Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. That is an awesome scale- phrases are great...nice deer too
  13. That is an awesome scale (love the phrases)...so is what's hanning from it
  14. I live around the corner from that exact area. FYI- should have called town which has an animal control officer who should have taken care of it. His name is Pete; great guy I whent to school with him. About 2 years ago we had a momma in our backyard that had a messed up leg from a yote and I couldn't take care of it myself ( for a number of reasons) so we called town and animal control responded. By the time we called to the time of arrival (20 mins) she had moved. It was odd to see a person running around the neighborhood with a firearm. He never did find it but it was good to know they will not let one suffer.
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