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    NYPHA headquarters

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  1. http://www.manafont.com/product_info.php/uniquefire-hs802-extra-deep-reflector-cree-r2-red-beam-2mode-led-flashlight-black-18650-p-10205 http://www.miniinthebox.com/brinyte-b88-single-mode-cree-xp-g-r5-red-light-led-flashlight-240lm-1x18650-black_p640694.html
  2. So what happens when the dogs catch a coyote?
  3. In NY? With the season ending March 30 th how does that work?
  4. Beats me. Why would they? I was saying that fox start their dens earlier than coyotes....
  5. Coyotes do not use dens year round,they start digging /cleaning out in late Feb early March. Fox about a month sooner....
  6. Here's my set up,it's RRA Predator Pursuit with a XLR250 Kill light.
  7. Yes that sounds something like number that I have heard. That actually sounds like a number that could be mathmatically arrived at and probably has some credibility. The question is just how many coyotes would humans have to harvest in conjunction with natural deaths to reach that 75% and stabilize or even decrease the population. Coyote mortaliy is alot higher than people would think....
  8. I'll find some info for you.... I'm a firm believer in the theroy and thats also how I get alot of land access from farmers that didnt previously want coyotes hunted on thier property.
  9. Speaking of "widely swinging cycles" has enyone else notcied a spike in the red fox population this year?
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