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  • Hunting Location
    4s 3m 3a
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin 336c .35 Rem
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. If anyone has a 7p tag they will not use please let me know. Thanks
  2. How you guys doing I'm looking for some land to hunt coyotes. If anyone's got some property they want them off of or need help hunting them let me know. Looking for anything in Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Sullivan, Delaware, Columbia, Ulster or Greene counties. Not afraid to travel here let me know guys thanks!
  3. I know this is late but if it is able to accept a detachable magazine then you cannot have pistol grip, any muzzle break or flash suppressor, bayonet attachment, or adjustable stock. If has those and can accept magazine then it is illegal under safe act. If has none of those features then yes it's legal but the magazine can only hold 10 rounds.
  4. Also have a Mini-14. Great gun, good alternative to an AR if you don't want to deal with all the headaches around the stupid safe act laws and only around 750$ new
  5. I bought 2 ARs from gun stores in Dutchess and Putnam counties with those on it already. They are selling them so it must be legal. Pistol grip, bayonet lug, adjustable stock, flash suppressor on both of my ARs
  6. Nice man! Any advice for calling them in the woods?
  7. Looking for a 4s. Have both of my picks open, let me know what your looking to get in return
  8. Hello A Sportsman, Thanks for the advice I will take it all into consideration this year when I go out. If your ever looking for another partner to come out there with you give me a shout.
  9. Anyone hunt the 3A area Forrest preserves in the Catskills? (Slide mountain, kaaterskill, Indian head, hunter-west kill) I want to go there this year and check out some places, has anyone had good luck in the area? Any tips/advice would be great thx.
  10. Look it up on dec website they have a map of all the designated hunting parking spots and areas
  11. Anyone hunt the 3A area Forrest preserves in the Catskills? (Slide mountain, kaaterskill, Indian head, hunter-west kill) I want to go there for the early bear season this year has anyone had good luck in the area? Any tips/advice would be great thx.
  12. Anyone hunt the 3A area Forrest preserves in the Catskills? (Slide mountain, kaaterskill, Indian head, hunter-west kill) I want to go there for the early bear season this year has anyone had good luck in the area? Any tips/advice would be great thx.
  13. Just noticed I posted in wrong section lol will post in the right one now
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