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About johnphillips709

  • Birthday 04/21/1957

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  1. In my state you can't shoot until half hour before sunrise. I like to be in my stand 15 minutes before that. I've taken 3 this year with a bow. Two does and a little 8 pointer. I watching two bucks right now. One is a trophy. Sent from my SM-G360T using Tapatalk
  2. Nice bird! Sent from my SM-G360T using Tapatalk
  3. A few years ago one would watch me when I harvested squirrels and pick up the ones I couldn't find. Sent from my SM-G360T using Tapatalk
  4. Yes sir I shoot it more than any other my 20 guage a5 is next. Sent from my M470BSA using Tapatalk
  5. Mine was made in 64. Sent from my SM-G360T using Tapatalk
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