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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Grizz1219

  1. I know they are in the "close to home" pattern... just frustrating at times... Hoping when they get hard horned they will move more and farther.... Thanks for the support.. going this weekend to do more scouting.. set up another blind, get another stand set up... doing this all based on the does... hoping the bucks will come to them....

  2. Columbia county.... biggest buck on camera is a 4 pointer... a couple of spikes... 1 unicorn buck... and the rest does.. I don't know if the new regs will change this or not.. but staus quo sucks in Eastern NY... No DMP tags in my area... Based on my cameras it's a 15:1 doe to buck ratio... and this early mature bucks would be mobile and on camera... Anyone else have no mature deer to even hope for in their area??? My only hope is a mature buck on posted property comes over for the does on this farm...

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