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Posts posted by Grizz1219

  1. I just got my NR Pennsylvania license in the mail yesterday. I bought  it online. Very convenient and saves me the $$ for gas to drive down across the border and get it.

    They start accepting NR antlerless permit July 25th.

    OK... I missed something.. what happens September 5th???

  2. I would just like to see more 2.5 year olds in the herd.. I think by lowering the number of 1.5 and younger being taken... it will improve the buck doe ratio making hunting the rut more intense and more fun to be out there... Plus who doesn't have the "bucket of spikes to 4 points" sitting in their shed.. My thinking is, shoot a doe over the small buck.. lets see what happens in a few years and adjust from there... Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.. Lets try something new and see where it leads us...

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