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Helderberg Hunter

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Helderberg Hunter

  1. Please excuse the incorrect time stamp--AM is PM and vice versa--it's since been corrected on the trail cam.
  2. Please excuse the time stamp its reversed AM is PM and vice versa thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Also spoke with a resident in Rensselaervile where I hunt and he informed me that he had seen quite a few bucks through this summer and fall. I did not see many hunters out and about opening day nor this past Friday when I was down there putting up some trail cams. I think there is little or no pressure on the deer herd in this area and if the resident is correct a lot of bucks still out there.
  4. Put some Trail Cams up today-saw many many deer in the fields grazing from 3Pm on....all apparently does...deer herd in Rensselaerville looks plentiful this year.
  5. Thanks again Grampy--you're one of the people that realizes the challenge of deer hunting in 4H. It's not like the videos on YouTube where you see hunters in western NY watching 30 deer run by and five are bucks! The bucks in 4H go nocturnal after the first shot or so and the does are skiddish too. I have question for you--how do they rate the members, such as "Newbie Hunter", "Members", etc. Thanks
  6. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 7-45AM Opening Day Rensselaerville Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. 7-45AM Opening Day Rensselaerville Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Anyone have news from 4H? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I am really glad to see there are fellow 4H hunters out there, I was beginning to think 4H was forgotten. Have not seen a buck during daylight hours so far. Wednesday night on the way home about 6PM or so I saw a buck (probably a 4 point) was wanting to cross the road in front of my car in the Town of Rensselaerville, it stopped by the side of the road and ran back the way it came. The only thing I can make from all the 4H reports and what I have oberved is that the bucks are nocturnal. Not many hunters in the woods so I think that contributes to the fact the deer are not seen moving around.
  11. No one seems to chime in from 4H??????????????????????????
  12. Anyone have a 4H they aren't going to use?
  13. Any news this year from 4H? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. All does on opening day-not many shots--don't think there are many hunters in the woods
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