You're kidding right? I guess you forgot all about the 8 years the republicans obstructed Obama at every chance they got and how THEY put their warped politics before the good of the country.
Nowhere near there, but thanks anyway.I grew tired of the poor service at Gander and now when its time to buy a gun, or anything else that might involve me having to deal with someone, I simply go to Dick's, hardly ever a wait there.
I'm not surprised. The service is their store by me is absolutely horrible. Can never find anyone for help, forget about trying to get help in the gun department. You need to get a number like at a deli and then wait for it to be called even to get a question answered. They won't be missed.
Limiting the right to vote, proud of a Russian mole in the white house, it really is true, the fools and their supporters are driving the country right off a cliff