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About camper4lyfe

  • Birthday 02/20/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairport, NY

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  • Hunting Location
    8H, 8M, 8N
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 870
  • Bow
    Hoyt Raider

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  1. A .22 is. A .22-250 is not. He said .22 centerfire, not .22.
  2. I think the key is energy. Kinetic energy is 1/2*mass*velocity^2. You can't compare smaller, faster rifle rounds to a bigger, slower shotgun rounds because the velocity is so much higher in rifles that the energy they provide is leaps and bounds ahead of a slug. Muzzle energy for a .410 Remington 87.5gr is 704.3 ft-lb Muzzle energy for a .223 Hornaday 55gr is 1282 ft-lb. Therein lies why a .223, or any rifle, is better than a .410. Energy. At 200 yds, the .223 still has more energy than the .410 does at the muzzle.
  3. Maybe I'm just heartless, but this certainly seems like Darwin got in on the act. If you can't swing, why in the world would you go out in a boat, much less a tippy canoe, without a life jacket? I mean seriously, come on! Add to it the fact that state law requires a floatation device for everyone on the boat.
  4. I've only got my 03 Ranger. It's got the 4.0L 6 and towing package. I'm good to about 5200lbs. I wired up the electric brake controller so I could tow my camper. It's not going to win and races, but it got me up to the 1000 islands with the cruise set at 65mph. My father-in-law also uses it to haul his boat around (about 4800lbs), but those are now short trips at the river, after he hauled it up there from Sodus Bay.
  5. I've got an old ('96) 23' Prowler that my parents gave my wife and I as a wedding present. We took it up to the Thousand Islands last year as OUR place to stay, rather than bunking with her parents. It was really nice, but at the end of last year, we found out that the heath department cited the new owners for allowing it. Now we have to sell it. Anyone interested, or know someone that is?
  6. Hey Skyz, I finally renewed my flickr subscription, and could get to my pictures. http://www.flickr.com/photos/48977044@N00/sets/72157604502625022/ Those are from the one day out at your track.
  7. I learned that day that my quad is grossly undersprung for how hard I was riding it. I've been watching fleabay for an 01 Rappy shock to replace the stocker with. Someday....
  8. I've got the 03 Warrior. I came out and did a track cleanup once. I think it was the last year you had the track.
  9. Oh yeah. I've been out to your place before to ride, though it was only once.
  10. I grew up 'around the corner' from the club, on the Avon/village end of Pole Bridge. I remember going there as a kid in cub scouts with John Dubois, as part of a hike/shoot thing. The last time I drove past, the sign was still up, though I never really paid much attention to it.
  11. I've got a hankerin' to do some shooting, but I don't know where to go. I've found a few places that have handgun, shotgun, and rimfire only, as well as the Genesee Conservation League, which has a decent rifle range, but it's a bit expensive. I'm wondering if I'm missing any clubs, or if there are any public ranges around that I don't know of/can't find via Google. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Went out on Honeoye Saturday. Hit the ice out in front of Trident, and landed 3 pickerel and a bunch of small perch. We weren't out deep enough to catch big perch, but we mostly jig just to kill time between flags. IMG00020-20110122-1055 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr IMG00021-20110122-1137 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr IMG00022-20110122-1321 by camper4lyfe, on Flickr
  13. Thank you kindly, everyone.
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