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8s or Better HC

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Everything posted by 8s or Better HC

  1. Sorry my last post was in reply to BhunterED’s post
  2. Did you really compare child molestation to baiting deer with local corn?? terrible analogy sir... talk to your neighbor ... that, is “doing the right thing” as you say you were raised to do...since when is doing the right thing a phrase used to justify calling 911 to report corn.
  3. I had a neighbor call in on me for laying out corn .. guilty as charged... not during season and definitely not where I hunt. It was layed out in view of the kids window, and they would wake up every morning to see the deer and coming running in my bed to tell me all about it. two troopers and a DEC car come knocking on the door to question me about it and advised that my hunting privileges will be suspended. They opted to use their discretion on this instance and was let off with a warning. i would go through 2 bags a week Easily, perhaps talking to the neighbors first and handling your neighborly issue like an adult without having to call authorities could make things easier for you, and keep the smiles on the little ones faces... but that’s my opinion
  4. Gotta be in it to win it... good luck everyone, count me in
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