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Posts posted by Nytracker

  1. I would imagine that clear cut is 5 years old now . Dont have my pointers anymore  and the Hickory  nut trees are gone so I haven't been back in there since .probably  making great deer cover . Perhaps a muzzleloader  hunt back in there for late season.

  2. I don't spend near as much time  small game hunting as I use to . Erwin state forest did a bunch of logging a few years back. Big patches of clear cutting . I was in there hunting the edges with a pistol and bumped quite a few grouse. Looked to me like it was 2 year old clear cut so I would imagine its prime . Problem for me was they took out my favorite  grove of hickory nut trees and I was there hunting squirrel. 

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  3. I bought a bunch after 2013 safe act. There was a guy at the Syracuse show selling winchester primers for $30/k. I dont shoot as much as I use to but I am still well stocked. I have a family member that travels south and he picks me up stuff from time to time. Seems the southern states don't have the problems we do in NY.

  4. One thing I do miss is the gobbling fools. Last 2 birds I killed never gobbled after fly down . Back in the 80s and 90s you couldn't shut them up. Only real common denominator is increase in coyotes. 

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  5. I was into it back in my teens and early 20s . Was a good time . Was a pain the butt finding somebody to take the carp. All went away when I met my wife . Working three jobs to help support 3 step kids in my instant family took all my spare time and alot of my sleep time .

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  6. Steelhead fishing fly tying and reloading.  Will get after the garden in May.  To be honest my job is kicking my butt. Up at 4 am, at work by 5:30. Getting out most days 4 to 5 pm.  Never seems  like I get enough sleep. Hopefully things will change.

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  7. Yup great weather minus the 25mph winds . Problem is my apple trees are pushing buds and will probably get frosted again  this year. With no real snow pack and warm weather I see another hot dry summer . We could really use a decent spring with some rain. We are still way off the water table norms . Have been thinking about putting in a big patch of sweet corn but I don't want to have to water it all summer long .

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