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Hello guys, really like the site, and impressed by all the info on here. I am a longtime (25 yrs)rabbit hunter, as I breed beagles and have a swiss hound, I hunt cottontail on long island and hare in the Adirondacks and Maine. I belong to a couple of clubs on long island, one of which I have been a member of for 15 years and the other I just joined last year. I bow hunt from time to time, but my passion are my hounds and rabbit hunting. If anybody on the island wants to hookup and run dogs or hunt together, let me know , my website is www.bellmorekennels.com and my contact info is on there.

Thanks again

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Welcome. Your post stirred some fond memories.  I use to love hunting cottontails behind my uncle's beagles.  You say you hunt rabbit in Maine.  Do you by chance know my friend Bob Howe at Pine Grove Lodge in Bingham?  He's one master guide who is an ardent rabbit hunter, deer hunter, and fly fisherman.

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I write a column for the NY Houndsmen Conservation Assoc. [ http://nyhoundsmen.org/ ] I'm a coonhound person and don't have good contacts for Beagle news.  The column appears in Rabbit Hunter,  American Cooner, Full Cry and  Hunter's Horn. Please feel free to send pix, hunting stories, litter announcements, etc.  If you are not a member, NYHCA could use more members who vote downstate.  We are very active promoting houndsmens' interests in Albany.

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