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Portable Ladder Stand VS Any Climber Stand

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Here is what i hunt with.

Tree Saddle

Not sure if the company is still solvent as they were in a bit of financial trouble last i knew. You can still pick them up on archery talk or ebay.

This is what i use to get up the tree.

Leverage Climbing sticks

Minus one step on each side and a different rope to lighten the load. They are a heck of alot cheaper than lone wolf and just as light once you modify them a little. Even without modifying them they are not much heavier.

I put the sticks in this Game Plan Gear pack although my version is older. Pack also holds all my calls and other gear plus doubles as a padded knee rest when you strap it onto the tree.

I can hunt ANY tree ANY place i want. I can move in a matter of minutes and go alot further than most any other guy.

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I can hunt ANY tree ANY place i want. I can move in a matter of minutes and go alot further than most any other guy.

How long can you really hang in their? You have your feet on screw in steps?

How long have you had your TS? Have you killed much out of it?

I have a friend who bought one fall of 2010 and had to give it up as it wasn't his "cup o tee"! Funny thing is, he's in tremendous shape for 74 years old and just didn't like it enough due to not being stable enough for those deer that show up in a bad position.

EDIT to add.......I see your NOT using screw in steps. Can you travel all the way around the tree like advertised?

Edited by Lawdwaz
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How long can you really hang in their? You have your feet on screw in steps?

How long have you had your TS? Have you killed much out of it?

I have a friend who bought one fall of 2010 and had to give it up as it wasn't his "cup o tee"! Funny thing is, he's in tremendous shape for 74 years old and just didn't like it enough due to not being stable enough for those deer that show up in a bad position.

EDIT to add.......I see your NOT using screw in steps. Can you travel all the way around the tree like advertised?

I have killed my share with it. Its not the beat all end all but it will get the job done. I can and will sit all day but make no mistake about it you will feel it. I use some screw in steps for all day sits to vary leg position.

I am 29 and good shape, I would not dream of using this at 74.

If your hunting a spot on a regular basis, short hikes, use of a ATV, or have easy stand placement i dont think most guys would opt for this.

When you are just scouting / hunting or are going deep into a larger piece of property - those are the situations i find it most useful.

I think the biggest draw for myself is getting to the places that no one else goes. I am confident when i say that i have seen deer using this that i would not have ever had a chance at let alone laid eyes on without it.

You can pivot all the way around a tree - provided you give yourself a good long tether and plenty of footing options but its not quite what they would have you believe in the advertising, but what is.

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